Diet critique for test e cycle


New member
Hey guys, I am currently on my second week (3 shots in) of a test e 500mg (250x2) a week cycle. On average before my cycle I would consume around 3000 calories a day supplemented through food and shakes. Now on cycle I am consuming at least 3500 cals a day, and 1+ gallons of water. I understand that test e takes weeks to kick in, as well as the weight gain associated with muscle building. I was hoping to post an idea of what an average day of meals looks like in hopes for some critique or reassurance that things look up to par.

Meal 1
Half a bagel with unsalted no sugar added peanut butter
Granola in a plain greek yogurt
16 oz 1% milk
16 oz Grape Juice

Work out, then 2 scoops protein shake immediately after

Meal 2
Tuna Fish sandwhich on oat bread
Iso Mass xtreme gainer shake
1 piece of fruit

Meal 3
Chicken breast grilled
Vegitable or salad

Proetin shake
Sweet Potato

Meal 4
Chicken or pork grilled
16 oz 1% milk

Casien shake

I use the myfitness pal app on my phone to track my diet. Thanks in advance!
What are your stats? I would add carbs to your post workout + a banana. Meal 2 i would make it 2 tuna sandwiches (2 cans), For snack, i would drop the shake and add a real food protein. Chicken, tuna, tilapia
Great thanks metalhead, real good feedback. 5'10 180. Goal is to hold onto 10+ lbs after pct. So far the scale is only up about 1 lb in first week.
Hey guys, I am currently on my second week (3 shots in) of a test e 500mg (250x2) a week cycle. On average before my cycle I would consume around 3000 calories a day supplemented through food and shakes. Now on cycle I am consuming at least 3500 cals a day, and 1+ gallons of water. I understand that test e takes weeks to kick in, as well as the weight gain associated with muscle building. I was hoping to post an idea of what an average day of meals looks like in hopes for some critique or reassurance that things look up to par.

Meal 1
Half a bagel with unsalted no sugar added peanut butter
Granola in a plain greek yogurt
16 oz 1% milk
16 oz Grape Juice

Work out, then 2 scoops protein shake immediately after

Meal 2
Tuna Fish sandwhich on oat bread
Iso Mass xtreme gainer shake
1 piece of fruit

Meal 3
Chicken breast grilled
Vegitable or salad

Proetin shake
Sweet Potato

Meal 4
Chicken or pork grilled
16 oz 1% milk

Casien shake

I use the myfitness pal app on my phone to track my diet. Thanks in advance!

So adding these meals comes around 3500cals with my fitness app?, seems like a lot less.
Just curious that's all.
Hey Prowl, yeah it does. It's a really helpful app for me because I am able to track food to the exact brand to make sure I'm hitting my goals. It literally has the brand of milk and bread I use haha. It may seem like a lot less, but the Iso Mass shake I take with a meal has 650 cals alone when mixed only with water. Any thoughts or room for improvement you can see? Thanks
I agree with metalhead, drop the shakes add real food, instead of 4 meals go 6, add some egg whites in that first meal also,good luck to ya bro!!
No matter what the goal of my diet i start my morning with egg whites and oatmeal. You fast all night so you want your breakfast to be high in protein and some slow absorbing carbs

Substitute all shakes for chicken, beef, or fish except post workout shake
What are your stats? I would add carbs to your post workout + a banana. Meal 2 i would make it 2 tuna sandwiches (2 cans), For snack, i would drop the shake and add a real food protein. Chicken, tuna, tilapia

The only issue I see with adding another can of tuna is how much tuna he's eating during the week. Mercury poisoning is very real and canned tuna is one of the worst in terms of mercury content.
No matter what the goal of my diet i start my morning with egg whites and oatmeal. You fast all night so you want your breakfast to be high in protein and some slow absorbing carbs

Substitute all shakes for chicken, beef, or fish except post workout shake

^^^this is not true at all, except maybe the part about how you start out your day
The only issue I see with adding another can of tuna is how much tuna he's eating during the week. Mercury poisoning is very real and canned tuna is one of the worst in terms of mercury content.

I only suggested that just so he would get enough protein in that meal. Good point though. I personally dont eat tuna everyday.
I only suggested that just so he would get enough protein in that meal. Good point though. I personally dont eat tuna everyday.

I understand the reasoning behind it, just pointing out mercury poisoning as I've known a few people who admittedly overdid it on tuna but got mercury poisoning. I'm not sure if I remember the numbers correctly but I think the FDA recommends no more than 2-3 cans of white albacore tuna per week, any more and your at a higher risk. I love tuna but only have it occasionally maybe once a week or every other week.
^^^this is not true at all, except maybe the part about how you start out your day

For me and my friends it works very effectively. I made awesome lean gains during my bulk and even used that breakfast for my cut. It is essential for a bulk that you get plenty of whole foods in your diet. Get those covered than go with the shakes. However, for a cut I'd say shakes are very important. I used egg whites, oats, tuna, cottage cheese, whey protein, lean beef/chicken and natty peanut butter. It worked for me after I figured out how much p/f/c I needed and how much of a caloric deficit I would need to eat. My .02
For me and my friends it works very effectively. I made awesome lean gains during my bulk and even used that breakfast for my cut. It is essential for a bulk that you get plenty of whole foods in your diet. Get those covered than go with the shakes. However, for a cut I'd say shakes are very important. I used egg whites, oats, tuna, cottage cheese, whey protein, lean beef/chicken and natty peanut butter. It worked for me after I figured out how much p/f/c I needed and how much of a caloric deficit I would need to eat. My .02

I think you misunderstood me. I never mentioned your results or that of your friends for that matter. I was talking about the other underlying assumptions in your post. I have no reason to doubt your results man but correlation does not equal causation, so while what you did might have worked (probably did) it might have been in spite of what you did not because of it. I agree with you 100% that you need to figure out your macros and energy intake requirements, those are the two most important things whether bulking or cutting. My issue was with your other statements regarding fasting, necessity of protein and carbs for breakfast (or breakfast at all for that matter), and your substitutions for protein requirements.