Age 33
Height 5' 9"
Weight 178lbs
BF 19%
BMR 1816 cal
TDEE 2900cal -3140cal
I would gauge myself between ectomorph and mesomorph. I started 350mg/wk deca only cycle. Ran it for 11 weeks. Starting weight beginning of June was 163lbs 14%bf. Pct was 20mg Novadex 1-5wks. During cycle I was following this diet as a base line and then eating fruit, and some other foods when hunger spiked. At the end of the cylce I reached 185lbs. Now I'm following this diet and fluctuate between 175lbs - 180lbs. Not sure weather I achieved reasonable gains on this cycle or am I being to anal about myself. Any chance u could critique this diet or recommend any suggestions where I could improve. Plan is to run test e 250mg /wk for 10-12 weeks come Dec.
Meal 1 5:00am
2 whole eggs
6 egg whites
1 cream of wheat packet
1/4 cup dry oats
1/2 grapefruit
Meal 2 7:30am
2 slices whole wheat bread
1 1/2 tbsp almond butter
1 1/4 scoops all natural whey isolate protein powder
Meal 3 9:00am or sometimes 9:30am
500grams fat free cottage cheese
1 astro yogurt (100grams)
8 almonds
1 packet cream of wheat
1/4 cup dry oats
Meal 4 12:00pm
5 oz of yams
6 oz chicken breast or lean ground chicken
2 cups of brocolli
Meal 5 2:30pm
1 1/2 can(s) of tuna or 6 oz lean ground chicken
5oz baked potato or 5 rice cakes
Meal 6 6:00pm PWO
1 1/2 scoops of whey isloate
1 1/2 scoops waximaize
1 tbsp concentrated cherry juice
Meal 7 9:00pm Bedtime
500grams of fat free cottage cheese or 1 1/2 can(s) of tuna
TOTAL: 3059cal/323p/349c/52f
Height 5' 9"
Weight 178lbs
BF 19%
BMR 1816 cal
TDEE 2900cal -3140cal
I would gauge myself between ectomorph and mesomorph. I started 350mg/wk deca only cycle. Ran it for 11 weeks. Starting weight beginning of June was 163lbs 14%bf. Pct was 20mg Novadex 1-5wks. During cycle I was following this diet as a base line and then eating fruit, and some other foods when hunger spiked. At the end of the cylce I reached 185lbs. Now I'm following this diet and fluctuate between 175lbs - 180lbs. Not sure weather I achieved reasonable gains on this cycle or am I being to anal about myself. Any chance u could critique this diet or recommend any suggestions where I could improve. Plan is to run test e 250mg /wk for 10-12 weeks come Dec.
Meal 1 5:00am
2 whole eggs
6 egg whites
1 cream of wheat packet
1/4 cup dry oats
1/2 grapefruit
Meal 2 7:30am
2 slices whole wheat bread
1 1/2 tbsp almond butter
1 1/4 scoops all natural whey isolate protein powder
Meal 3 9:00am or sometimes 9:30am
500grams fat free cottage cheese
1 astro yogurt (100grams)
8 almonds
1 packet cream of wheat
1/4 cup dry oats
Meal 4 12:00pm
5 oz of yams
6 oz chicken breast or lean ground chicken
2 cups of brocolli
Meal 5 2:30pm
1 1/2 can(s) of tuna or 6 oz lean ground chicken
5oz baked potato or 5 rice cakes
Meal 6 6:00pm PWO
1 1/2 scoops of whey isloate
1 1/2 scoops waximaize
1 tbsp concentrated cherry juice
Meal 7 9:00pm Bedtime
500grams of fat free cottage cheese or 1 1/2 can(s) of tuna
TOTAL: 3059cal/323p/349c/52f
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