Diet Disaster- Help me gain some poundage!


Ology Apprentice
I need to gain some serious weight!
Stats: 6'0, 165 lbs, 8% bf.
My "diet" is pathetic. With working 12 hours a day, I have been eating fast food about twice a day. Here is what my daily diet consists of:
10:30 am- Pre workout drink
12:00 pm- Post workout drink
12:45- Protein shake; 1 scoop Whey, 1 banana, tbspn peanut butter, 1 cup of milk, 400 mg fish/flax/borage oil.
2:00- Tunafish sandwich on white bagel
6:00- Junk food from gas station
9:00- Taco Bell
11:45- Same protein drink as above

As you can see it's a disaster. Please help :)
bro just eat eat eat all the time and as much as you can in one day every day....when you start getting bigger cut the shit out and start eating clean...

thats the only way i could put serious weight on...also take your Vitamins every day

may help
The only way that you are ever going to get big is to totally start over with your diet.

You're 165 pounds so I would start by making eating 330g of protein everyday my goal. This is 55g per meal spread out over 6 meals per day. Not too bad.

Focus on inexpensive protein that you can buy in bulk. Chicken breast, ground turkey, ground beef, and eggs.

After you get down your protein at every meal you should pound down as many carbs as possible. Eat them until you are uncomfortably full. Stuff like brown rice, lentil beans, sweet potatoes, wholewheat pasta, and fruit are all excellent choices.

If you find that you are still not gaining weight you should try adding 1-2tbsp of natural peanut butter to each one of your meals.

If none of this works you should give up on bodybuilding LOL.