Diet for deca/sust stack


New member
Hi, im on my 1st cycle. im using a deca/sus stack....with 200 mg deca and 500 mg sust/week

I want to make serious gains and a some fat gain are ok with me....
Below is my diet. i only included the proteins n carbs...i take veggies in every meal though..

07 30- 100 g oatmeal

i train from 9 00 to 10 30..

10 30 - 1 scoop whey protein with dextrose

12 30- 130 g tuna + 100 g rice

15 00- 150 g beef meat + 2 slice of bread

18 00- 150 g peanut

20 00- 150 g beef meat + 100 g potatoes

22 00- 8 eggs ( 2 whole and 6 whites) + 100 g cottage cheese

23 00 - 1 scoop milk n egg protein powder

8 hr sleep

Ive got many questions:
Should i sleep more than 8 hrs??

Am i taking enough carbs or too much carbs?

breakfast is always hard for me as i cant eat much in morning...Is it good if i take 1 scoop of whey just before the oatmeal?
i think i may have someone to help you with this. ill msg him