Diet help and planning


New member
Im about 5'8 163 lbs. Ive been working out for almost a year and a half now gained a decent amount of muscle (newbie results) however I feel my diet isn't the best.

Here's just a brief overview of what my diet consists of:

1 cup of oatmeal
4 egg whites
1 whole egg
Glass of orange juice
1 Scoop of peanut butter

Preworkout: Protein bar w/apple

Meal 2 (post workout)
1 and a half chicken breast w/ onions, bellpeppers, etc.
1 and a half cup of brown rice
1 cup of vegetables

Snack: Peice of fruit

Meal 3: 1 can of tuna
2 slices of whole wheat bread
peice of fruit
2 scoops of peanut butter usually at the end of the meal

snack: peice of fruit

Meal 4: usually Greek yogurt
1 cup of blueberries
handful of almonds

Meal 5: 1 and a half chicken breast w/garlic, bellpeppers, onions, etc
1 cup vegetables
2 scoops of peanut butter

Meal 6 (night time meal before bed)
1 cup cottage cheese
1 scoop of almond butter or some walnuts for health fats

Estimated calories: ususally around 2700

That's the basis of my diet.

Training: Str training 3x a week
MMA training 3x a week

Goal: lose body fat while gaining some lean mass

Supplements: Fish oil capsule, Multi Vit, Cant take whey because recently doc has told me to get off it due to kidney related issues.

Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
The best advice anyone can give you is to email or call 3j and pay him the minescule schillings that he charges to actually tailor and structure your diet to meet all of your specific needs. Seriously. Take my advice, bro. Best of luck!
I agree with Chip. I just paid 3J myself and am awaiting to start his plan :) He has responded instantaneously to every e-mail I've sent thus far. Amazing service and I cannot wait to post before/after pictures at the end of August.