diet help please


New member
hi all

age 25
weight 184lbs
height 5'9"
BF 23.94% :wiggle: ahaaha
BMR 1744.41
TDEE 2398.56

Goals: just wanna loose the gut and maybe get a nice flat stomach possibly abs... and maintain a healthy diet so i can watch my muscles grow... naturally!

yes i realize this is a steroid forum but you guys still know your way around a diet so... please help.


meal 1 (7am)
protein shake 25/5/3/147
2 flax caps 0/0/2/17.6

meal 2 (9:30am)
4oz chicken breast w/o skin 34.5/0/4/183.3
1 1/2 cups fresh raw spinach 1.3/1.6/.18/10.3

meal 3 (12pm, noon)
1 can salmon 34/0/16/280
1 1/2 cup2 fresh rawspinach 1.3/1.6/.18/10.3
1 slice whole wheat bread 3.7/22.6/2.4/122

meal 4 (2:30pm)
protein shake 25/5/3/147
2 flax caps 0/0/2/17.6

meal 5 (5pm)
4oz chicken breast w/o skin 34.5/0/4/183.3
1 1/2 cups fresh raw spinach 1.3/1.6/.18/10.3

meal 6 (7pm, post workout)
6-8oz extra lean steak 58.5/0/19/420.8
1 cup fresh raw spinach .86/1.1/.12/6.9
1 cup fresh raw romane lettuce .58/1.5/.14/8
1tbsp olive oil 0/0/13.5/119.3

meal 7 (9pm)
protein shake 25/5/3/147
banana 1.3/27/.39/105

as you can see i need help... and thats what i can eat comfrotably.

supplements: flax oil, multi vitamin, protein, creatine, glutamine, and glucosamine.

didnt include creatine, glutamine, and glucosamine in the macros but i take creatine and glute post workout with my shake. and the glucosamine is takin like the label says to.

i try and get cardio in 2 times a week, usually mountain bikeing for an hr or two, and lift weights in the evenings around 7pm 2 days on 1 day off like this:

mon-tues: weights in the evening
wed: cardio (H.I.T) in the am, abs in the evening
thur-fri: weights in the evening
sat: cardio (H.I.T) in the am, abs in the evening
sun: rest

some times ill do some extra cardio in the evenings.

whew all done... that took 2.5hrs... wow!

please critique away!!!!!!!1111111111111

many thanx!!!

*EDIT* I have just started this diet before I was on it I ate what ever I wanted, lots of fast food! Just disgusting lol I can't even look at a greesy burger anymore ugh
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I am not the diet guru that's 3j and I am sure he will chime in shortly, just wanted to clarify although this board has alot to do with aas, every one here would rather see you grow naturally and reach your genetic potential, good luck to you and welcome aboard
I am not the diet guru that's 3j and I am sure he will chime in shortly, just wanted to clarify although this board has alot to do with aas, every one here would rather see you grow naturally and reach your genetic potential, good luck to you and welcome aboard

Ifound this site doing a google search for dieting and been following it for about a month now just lurking in the shadows reading every chance I got. Thanks for the welcome.
Think you are severly under eating, you are going to be burnt out in no time and your CNS will be fried in two weeks if you stick with that.
Take the cals up to 2500 pro 180g fat 60g and fill the remainder of your cals with carbs.
Log your weight for the next two weeks every day and see what the average is saying, either gaining or losing. Aim for no more then losing 1 pound a week or else you will be loosing as much muscle as you are fat.

If you are doing "true" HIT for cardio you shouldn't do it anymore then once a week or else again you are going to overtrain.

Sure there will be more to come but this is a start.
hi all

age 25
weight 184lbs
height 5'9"
BF 23.94% :wiggle: ahaaha
BMR 1744.41
TDEE 2398.56

Goals: just wanna loose the gut and maybe get a nice flat stomach possibly abs... and maintain a healthy diet so i can watch my muscles grow... naturally!

yes i realize this is a steroid forum but you guys still know your way around a diet so... please help.


meal 1 (7am)
protein shake 25/5/3/147
2 flax caps 0/0/2/17.6
add complex carbs drop the flax caps
meal 2 (9:30am)
4oz chicken breast w/o skin 34.5/0/4/183.3
1 1/2 cups fresh raw spinach 1.3/1.6/.18/10.3

meal 3 (12pm, noon)
1 can salmon 34/0/16/280
1 1/2 cup2 fresh rawspinach 1.3/1.6/.18/10.3
1 slice whole wheat bread 3.7/22.6/2.4/122
drop the bread
meal 4 (2:30pm)
protein shake 25/5/3/147
2 flax caps 0/0/2/17.6

meal 5 (5pm)
4oz chicken breast w/o skin 34.5/0/4/183.3
1 1/2 cups fresh raw spinach 1.3/1.6/.18/10.3
add complex carb.. 50g carbs.
meal 6 (7pm, post workout)
6-8oz extra lean steak 58.5/0/19/420.8
1 cup fresh raw spinach .86/1.1/.12/6.9
1 cup fresh raw romane lettuce .58/1.5/.14/8
1tbsp olive oil 0/0/13.5/119.3

meal 7 (9pm) make this meal 6.. make meal 6 meal 7
protein shake 25/5/3/147
banana 1.3/27/.39/105

as you can see i need help... and thats what i can eat comfrotably.
protein should go up to 250.. carbs up to 150
supplements: flax oil, multi vitamin, protein, creatine, glutamine, and glucosamine.

didnt include creatine, glutamine, and glucosamine in the macros but i take creatine and glute post workout with my shake. and the glucosamine is takin like the label says to.

i try and get cardio in 2 times a week, usually mountain bikeing for an hr or two, and lift weights in the evenings around 7pm 2 days on 1 day off like this:

mon-tues: weights in the evening
wed: cardio (H.I.T) in the am, abs in the evening
thur-fri: weights in the evening
sat: cardio (H.I.T) in the am, abs in the evening
sun: rest

some times ill do some extra cardio in the evenings.

whew all done... that took 2.5hrs... wow!

please critique away!!!!!!!1111111111111

many thanx!!!

*EDIT* I have just started this diet before I was on it I ate what ever I wanted, lots of fast food! Just disgusting lol I can't even look at a greesy burger anymore ugh

u should be eating about 2300-2400 calories