Diet Help


New member
Hey all, I'm hoping to get help with a Bulk diet that will result in the least fat gained possible while still being a effective bulk diet. I'm looking for a short 4-5 week bulking period while I'am on Swolve V.2.

I will also need a good cutting/maintance diet while I cross train in weights (I'll be keeping my normal gym routine up) while also trying this workout I found on that is suppose to get you pound for pound stronger. I will only be doing this cross training during the summer while cutting/maintaining.

My stats are
16 yrs old
5 '10
Bf is unknown, closest guess would say around 10% but that is a complete shot in the dark.

Anything else you guys need to know just ask, feel free to pm me aswell. I'd appreciate any help here.


Edit: Sorry if this is asking to much, but since i'm only 16 I can't really do a professional diet if ya know what I mean. I can go out of my way to get some items, but nothing to extravagent.
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At your age you just need to EAT, EAT, EAT!!! Focus on calories and protein.

Buy some Weightgainer protein - mix it with ice cream for added calories and taste.

MEAT! Burgers, steak, chicken -

At your age as long as you are training and eating 5-6 times a day your metabolism will keep you from gaining too much fat and what you do gain you will be able to lose with some adjustment to your diet and adding some cardio.

So, in short - EAT UP AND TRAIN HARD!!!

Keep us posted on your progress!
Techno hit the nail on the head. My husband stating training when he was 16 and put on 20 lbs in one summer working out 5-6 hours a day and eating as much food as he could get down his throat. He grew like mad! At your age and with your hormones, it almost doesn't matter how "clean" your diet is.

Protein - and lots of it. And carbs to spare the protein for muscle builder. Eat often, eat big, train hard and you will grow.