diet help...


New member
help with my diet - Lacto-ovo vegetarian

Hey guys/gals. I'm new here and I’m looking for advice on my diet. It's sort of different than other diets that I’ve been reading up on because I’m a Lacto-ovo vegetarians (This type of vegetarian diet excludes all meat except for dairy and eggs). I know some will say to give up and that I’m wasting my time etc, but please if you don’t have positive criticism don’t comment at all. :D

My goal is to decrease bf (10-12%) at approx 180-190 lbs. I have lots of work and I know it won’t happen quickly. Right now I weigh 198lbs and am approx 15%bf. Most of which is around the waist and a bit in the upper body (chest area).

I'm doing morning cardio for 30 minutes (3.5mph, 5-8% incline on treadmill) 4-5 days a week.

For starters I want to get my diet in check, so I've come here for help.

MEAL 1 - 10am
250ml (1 carton) Egg whites
2 slices whole wheat toast

MEAL 2 (post workout) - 1pm
2 scoops Optimum Whey
2 scoops Gatorade powder

MEAL 3 - 2pm
Brown rice, potatoes, veggies
375g cottage cheese

MEAL 4 - 5pm
Whole wheat pasta
1 scoops Optimum Whey
1/2 banana (in shake)

MEAL 5 - 8pm
1 scoops Optimum Whey
1/4 cup dry oats (quick)

MEAL 6 - 11pm
375g cottage cheese

MEAL 7 - Before Bed
1 Tablespoon Udo's oil
1 Tablespoon natty PB
2 scoops Optimum Whey

The protein is approx 270g. Throughout the day I drink 1-1.5 gallons of water. All shakes are made in water also.

Thanks for taking the time in reading this, all help will be considered and appreciated!

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