Diet Help


New member
Hi Fellas,

Just a bit of help getting my diet spot on, looking to grow with as little excess fat as possible.

What total daily Kcal intake would you recommend?

Stats are:

Weight 102.6kg (226lbs)
BF ... not sure but around 15%
Age 27
Height 6'
Macros will be 45/40/15
Endo-mesomorph body type

Have never had to bulk before as have cut from being a fatty, so this is uncharted territory for me.

BMR calcs have been erratic ranging from 2205 all the way up to 2500... i dont have a very active lifestyle apart from the weights every other day (around 60mins) with 30 mins cardio thrown in once or twice a week.

was thinking 3000 kcal a day and see how i react to it... would break down as follows

Protein 337.5g
Carbs 300g
Fat 50g

Any insights? Thanks
370 + (21.6 x lbm) x 1.55

if your 15% then multiply .15 by ur bodyweight and subtract that number.. then put it into the formula...

then add 500calories to that if u wanna bulk..

its all in my fre diet advice sticky.. in the first post.. check it out if your having trouble.. i break it down for you