dietician advice conflicting with you guys


New member
my mom is a doc, and i was telling her im eating more protein less carbs and fat... she she talks to this dietician friend of hers...

for my hiegh and weight, 6'2, 205, she said the most protein my body can digest is 112g a day. if i do 1.5g per lb of weight which is what i have been doing, im wasting 180~g of protein, and its hard on my liver or kidney i forget which...

how is it that you all are eating so much protein and absorbing it all?
is it futile to eat so much protein? i seem to be having good results so far, but what is your all's opinion? thanks!
Agreed. Man, its been proven both that people who train heavy need more protein for rebuilding muscle, and the fact that a high protein diet is NOT hard on the kidneys. StoneCold put it nicely.
DKS....doesn't know shit. Maybe for the average semi-sedentary individual, but NOT for someone who trains intensely 4-5 days a week...

oh ok... i just wanted to clear things up is all... my fuckin protein power (allthewhey) still hasnt arrive, i ordered on the 13th!!! WTF!!! anybody else ordered from them? i got an email yesterday that said my package was damage, sent back to them, and now they have to send it again... what a pain in the ass dude, its a fuckin plastic jug of powder, did customs steam roll it or something? dam... (ok, frustration out)

anyway i just wanted to clear this up guys, thanks for your advice, currently im trying to eat as much protein as i can 8-12 egg whites a day, tuna as snacks, meats... soon as my protein gets here we will see how much my body can take....

also ive heard (sorry this is gross) that when you take a shit, if it floats your body is using all the nutrients you give it (bad) and if your shit sinks, there is excess (which means you are intaking enough) is this true? cuz my shits have been floaters for the past few months... and i think all these eggs are giving me bad fuckin gass too... any advice on these things?? Thanks again guys!~
Well my shit sinks like a brick so I guess its a good thing!!!\
never heard that theory bro so I cant give you a serious
regular dieticians do not really understand sports requirements in the diet

Even for the average person, they preach the food pyramid which is IMO flawed
I'm a believer in the conspiracy theory that "The establishment" preach a diet that is high in grains and carbohydrates as opposed to protein because it's easier to farm and feed the massed carbs as well as other reasons and thusly dieticians working for the public health service are grossly misinformed :D

Just my 2 penneth, call my a cynical bastard if you like... but then just look at my country flag hahaha
My nutrition class teacher says carbs such as wheats and grains should be the basis of your diet at all times...the typical pyramid stuff.
nabiller said:
oh ok... i just wanted to clear things up is all... my fuckin protein power (allthewhey) still hasnt arrive, i ordered on the 13th!!! WTF!!! anybody else ordered from them? i got an email yesterday that said my package was damage, sent back to them, and now they have to send it again... what a pain in the ass dude, its a fuckin plastic jug of powder, did customs steam roll it or something? dam... (ok, frustration out)

anyway i just wanted to clear this up guys, thanks for your advice, currently im trying to eat as much protein as i can 8-12 egg whites a day, tuna as snacks, meats... soon as my protein gets here we will see how much my body can take....

also ive heard (sorry this is gross) that when you take a shit, if it floats your body is using all the nutrients you give it (bad) and if your shit sinks, there is excess (which means you are intaking enough) is this true? cuz my shits have been floaters for the past few months... and i think all these eggs are giving me bad fuckin gass too... any advice on these things?? Thanks again guys!~

Thats correct about the shits.:frogjump:
MTG is right, I work at a hospital and I also have a minor in sports nutrition, and two things have become very clear to me. 1. almost all dieticians are overweight. 2. They know absolutely nothing about sports nutrition. They do preach the food pyramid, and most of these RD's work in a hospital setting where they are concerned about keeping patients alive and healthy, not building large muscles.
It is said that endurance athletes need even more protein than bodybuilders. It is not hard on the kidneys, get your water and you are fine. Protein is a mild diurectic, so it will dehydrate you, and therefore can be a mild strain on the kidneys. When the kidneys stop filtering proteins directly, you will get things like foamy urine which is a sign of kidney problems.

There is no link I'm aware of showing that kidneys truly are damaged by high protein intake, I dont believe it. Nor do I at all believe in these stupid, assinine bulk statements that "a human can successfully metabolize 30g protein per meal and no more." That says nothing about how many meals a person eats a day, nor does it say are we talking Ronnie Coleman or a 5 year old girl? Obviously there is a huge, huge difference. So bulk statements are just plain retarded IMO.

So while your mothers friend brought weight into the game, I dont think you can generically state such things, especially when you are lifting and lifters have not been that studied. Talk to a sports dietician and you will hear a different story.

Now Dan Duchaine brings about quality of proteins as well, not just raw protein count, because BV and complete amino acid profiles do matter. So with protein intake following his rules he believes you can stay relatively low, but not like a normal dietician would suggest.
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foamy like the head on beer foamy?? haha, that would be funny.

im trying to eat extra fiber, but the best choice for cereal i have here is wheat bran flakes which have only 5g of fiber, but either 4 or 6 (dont rmember) g of sugar... all this protein is givin me crazy gas and i only shit now like once every few days...
if you are eating enough/frequently enough, you should be having more frequent bowel movements than that, regardless of fiber. or are you holding it in...? lol
lol... not pinching it in... whenever i have to go i do...
im eating a GRIP.... breakfast, 2hr snack, before gym snack, after gym protein (egg whites), an hour later its protein, veggies and oatmeal... then i eat again around 6am, some more egg whites, maybe a pancake or sausage or something like that.. i wish i had veggies, but its breakfast time here.. not for long though im giong to days in about 2 nights!
nabiller said:
lol... not pinching it in... whenever i have to go i do...
im eating a GRIP.... breakfast, 2hr snack, before gym snack, after gym protein (egg whites), an hour later its protein, veggies and oatmeal... then i eat again around 6am, some more egg whites, maybe a pancake or sausage or something like that.. i wish i had veggies, but its breakfast time here.. not for long though im giong to days in about 2 nights!

how many cals is that? i'm not really sure how you are going to lean out very well on pancakes - VERY high GI. are these meals every 2-3 hrs?
I eat oatmeal, that keeps me moving just fine. I hit the can 2-3x a day, I could NOT hold it for a week!

Refined grains and such are not great for staying lean, old fashioned oats are better than quick oats for example, and pancakes are very refined so thats no bueno.
hmmm... no more pancakes then... yeah the meals are about 2.5 hrs apart...

i eat what i think is old fashioned oats, whenever the chow hall has it, but im not sure what all they put in it, but mostly i eat the instant kind, which is all i have access to is what they give me you know? but i always get the regular flavor rather then eating all the sugar in the flavor ones... i know its not as good, but its all i got, so im making due.

ive pretty much only had 1-2 'bowel movement' ever since i can remember, at least since high school... i dont know why either, my friends say im wierd. the only time i am actually regular like once a day, is during the holidays where i eat cookies and junk food like crazy!! maybe my body just uses all the food i eat, and when it gets all the sugar and extra pie and crap from the holidays it shits it out...

i dont know how many cals that is, i dont have any way of measuring, except the egg whites and oatmeal, because im sure of those caloric values each serving... maybe you can guesstimate how much cals i eat by today's menu example =)

650pm- chipper fish, mixed veggies, half a egg sized potato
900pm- another chipper fish piece and the other half of the potato
1100pm- tuna (maybe a little more then a can?)
1200am-workout (arms day)
130am (post workout) 7 egg whites
230am- chipper fish and mixed veggies
0445am- chipper fish and 1 pack regular flavor oatmeal
now its about 530, and im fuckin hungry again, so ill probably get some eggs and some bran cereal with skim milk at 6 or so

man i get so hungry eating this often! i used to never be hungry...