Dieting is such a bitch!


New member
I've been training naturally over the last nearly 3 years and have made some good gains in the first 2, but the last year seems to have dragged on without good results.

I can only assume it's got something to do with my diet. I've recently tightened up my diet so I need some guidance on whether I'm eating enough now.

My stats:
Age - 31
Height - 6'2"
Weight - 210lbs
BF - approx 20%

My exact diet at the moment.

5:20 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
6:30 - train
7:30 - 1.5 scoop whey and water after training
8:30 - 1 cup oats and water with 1 scoop whey, 5 egg omelette(2 yolks, 3 whites) with tomato and salmon made in pan with tbs olive oil
11:00 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
13:00 - skinless chicken breast with hot sauce and 2 cups vegetables
16:00 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
19:30 - chicken cubes fried in pan with 1 tbs olive oil and salad or vegetables
22:00 - 1 scoop whey and skimmed milk

I'm trying to lean bulk, but if I eat anymore than that, it seems I only put on fat.

i've been training naturally over the last nearly 3 years and have made some good gains in the first 2, but the last year seems to have dragged on without good results.

I can only assume it's got something to do with my diet. I've recently tightened up my diet so i need some guidance on whether i'm eating enough now.

My stats:
Age - 31
height - 6'2"
weight - 210lbs
bf - approx 20%

my exact diet at the moment.

5:20 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
6:30 - train
7:30 - 1.5 scoop whey and water after training
8:30 - 1 cup oats and water with 1 scoop whey, 5 egg omelette(2 yolks, 3 whites) with tomato and salmon made in pan with tbs olive oil
11:00 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
13:00 - skinless chicken breast with hot sauce and 2 cups vegetables
16:00 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
19:30 - chicken cubes fried in pan with 1 tbs olive oil and salad or vegetables
22:00 - 1 scoop whey and skimmed milk

i'm trying to lean bulk, but if i eat anymore than that, it seems i only put on fat.


bro, if you hired 3j, your diet would be bulletproof and you'd be stuffing your face with more food than you even want to eat.... And still get shredded! I think it should be a new steroidology rule that anyone who jumps into the diet forum must first hire 3j for his nutritional counseling..... (j/k) but it would definitely be the wisest move you could ever make!
I've been training naturally over the last nearly 3 years and have made some good gains in the first 2, but the last year seems to have dragged on without good results.

I can only assume it's got something to do with my diet. I've recently tightened up my diet so I need some guidance on whether I'm eating enough now.

My stats:
Age - 31
Height - 6'2"
Weight - 210lbs
BF - approx 20%

My exact diet at the moment.

5:20 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
6:30 - train
7:30 - 1.5 scoop whey and water after training
8:30 - 1 cup oats and water with 1 scoop whey, 5 egg omelette(2 yolks, 3 whites) with tomato and salmon made in pan with tbs olive oil
11:00 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
13:00 - skinless chicken breast with hot sauce and 2 cups vegetables
16:00 - 1.5 scoop whey and water
19:30 - chicken cubes fried in pan with 1 tbs olive oil and salad or vegetables
22:00 - 1 scoop whey and skimmed milk

I'm trying to lean bulk, but if I eat anymore than that, it seems I only put on fat.


thats way too much whey :D