lets just say your diet was perfect and training was perfect and dosage the same would injecting test prop or test enanthate yield different results as say test cyp?
To me the best test are prop or sustanon, duratest, I don't like the sides of water retention on enanth or cyp however add a bit to the mix might work well.
They are all around. What do you need? Why not contact one directly?
It won't matter over time. Testosterone is Testosterone.
Test cyp will give u more water retention, prop will give you none. But prop hurts like a bitch most of the time after pinning lol, my training partner uses an ace/pheny 50/50 blend, you still pin every other day but it doesn't hurt, and at low dose you won't see any water retention. Unfortunately, unless your in Bangkok, it's pretty dam hard to find test ace or test pheny by themselves.
I am curently using test cyp and have used sustanon before but was asking if gains would be better or worse with say test e or test prop?
First time I hear this. Im curious what gave you this idea that different esters of testo would cause water retention or not?
I've ran 3 months+ prop cycles and had water retention from misshandling AI, which would be the same with cyp?
I got the idea from experience, took test cyp and got water retention, had to use an AI during, did prop and got no water retention and didn't need any AI till the end. And all my other training partners said they usually get more water retention with longer esters and less water retention with shorter esters, as for the science behind why I have no idea sorry man ***128517;
That doesn't make any sense at all...
Did you run same doses of prop/cyp?
The estrogen conversion will happen with both esters and logically you would need it regardless of ester?