Test prop......Lil help here bros


Well-known member
Gonna give test prop a try. Was planning on a shot every other day but now some bros are telling me every day? So should I go with every day or every other day? Little help here please.
Also, I'll be running either enanthate or cyp along side, so my bases will be covered I'm just curious what you guys do. Thanks guys!!
Test is test is test only 1/2 life change and bio'availibilty.

So your doing test with a test stack ???
Take prop M W F for 3 weeks until ur long ester s kik in then save it as IT S THE SAME THING.
Gotcha. That'll be the plan. I've heard a lot of people say they did so much better on prop. I can't say they are wrong because technically there are more spikes with higher troughs. I appreciate the info. I'll do as you've suggested. I stay on low dose year round but I'll kick the dose up with prop and wait for the increased long ester stuff to kick in. Thanks
Test is test is test only 1/2 life change and bio'availibilty.

So your doing test with a test stack ???
Take prop M W F for 3 weeks until ur long ester s kik in then save it as IT S THE SAME THING.

And yes....test in a test stack I guess. Many people take mixed esters or "blended" esters for this very purpose. I simply wanted to control the exact amount of each ester that I was dosing. But I see your point. I'm a believer in short esters for newbies so that they can bail out if they need to. Once you've done a cycle or two then there is less fear of needing to bail. So I believe in long esters for this purpose.

I should've gone short ester on the tren. Those sides were hell and I just had to ride them out cuz I was running enanthate. Lol

Anyway.....I guess I'll start with prop and enanthate......I... when the enanthate kicks in I will be running a higher dose until the prop runs out.
So something like 300mg per week of prop and 400 of enanthate. It'll be at 700 for a few weeks then drop to 400 when the prop runs out. I'll adjust anastrozole throughout, to accommodate the changing doses.

Thanks for the input.....made me do some thinking ***55358;***56596;