"Dilluting" strong powders


New member
"Diluting" strong powders

Let's say I wanted to make clenbuterol @ 125mcg/ml for oral use. That would mean that for 1 gram of powder I'd need to mix it with 8000ml of liquid (someone on this forum did this recently).

But what if I don't want 8000ml? I thought of this - finding any powder similar to clen in makeup, and adding 49grams of this powder to the clen using the method described in the "capping" sticky (1+1, 2+2 etc.). Then 1gr of the new "diluted" powder would mix well with 160ml of liquid, thus creating a reasonable amount at the same dosage. The rest of the powder can then be stored.

Does this method sound practical (how accurate would the dosage be?)? I'm a :baby: in this field, please help...
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sphynx said:
Let's say I wanted to make clenbuterol @ 125mcg/ml for oral use. That would mean that for 1 gram of powder I'd need to mix it with 8000ml of liquid (someone on this forum did this recently).

But what if I don't want 8000ml? I thought of this - finding any powder similar to clen in makeup, and adding 49grams of this powder to the clen using the method described in the "capping" sticky (1+1, 2+2 etc.). Then 1gr of the new "diluted" powder would mix well with 160ml of liquid, thus creating a reasonable amount at the same dosage. The rest of the powder can then be stored.

Does this method sound practical (how accurate would the dosage be?)? I'm a :baby: in this field, please help...

you wont be able to get a low enough concentration w/ the capping method. the capping method is a few mgs. off btw. and a mg off w/ clen is fatal. i helped a friend make a clen batch recently and we dissolved the clen first in BA the mixed it w/ the water.
NEVER cap clen. Even a skilled lab tech with a pharm grade mortor and pestle couldnt ensure even powder distrobution. I repeat...NEVER cap clen. In fact, unless you have a 0.01 accuracy scale you shouldnt even think about clen powder. With potentialy serious errors at the order of micrograms (thats 1/1000000 of a gram bro) things can go wrong fast.
Mudge said:
Uhh, then dont suspend a whole gram of powder at a time.
The larger the batch the more accurate you'll be, which is important with clen. I wouldnt really suggest suspending less than 0.5g at a time. You can make a "mother" batch of concentrated clen. The dilute it into bottles as u need it. Even this is easy to mess up. Best bet (especially with clen being so damn cheap) is to dilute 1g at say 100mcg/ml, and just store the batch in large jugs somewhere safe. Add 1% ba to the mix to ensure itl keep. If you dont want to store some, toss it. Its literally dirt cheap.
DougoeFre5h said:
NEVER cap clen. Even a skilled lab tech with a pharm grade mortor and pestle couldnt ensure even powder distrobution. I repeat...NEVER cap clen. In fact, unless you have a 0.01 accuracy scale you shouldnt even think about clen powder. With potentialy serious errors at the order of micrograms (thats 1/1000000 of a gram bro) things can go wrong fast.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. The sticky just made it look as thought this method would distribute the powder evenly. Or so I hoped.
Looks like 8000ml it will be... :toilet:
DougoeFre5h, a totally unrelated dumb question here:

BD produces Parabolan tablets, 25mg trenbolone acetate per tab - with an effective dosage of about 2-3 tabs/ed.

Does this mean that tren ace can be administered orally just as well as intramuscularly? :scratchhe
Everyone's talking about oral Winstrol (winny), what about oral tren?? Is it possible?
Yea you can take them orally, obviously with a lower absorption than injection. Primo tabs, tren tabs, you can injest anything if you wish...just depends if your willing to let your digestive track eat your gear before it gets to your bloodstream.

You can drink Winstrol (winny) effectvely because ALL Winstrol (winny) is 17aa, its all methylated at production.
DMSO is about 50% absorbtion, and orally is believed to be worse.

Please start a thread elsewhere if you have more questions about this so that others can see it, without hijacking someone elses thread :)
different hormones have a different transdermal absorption rate depending on molecular weight.

if hormones arent methylated then they arent going to be effective orally. so would eating tren pellets work? no. can you drink test enan? sure but it wont work.

winny is reported to be 66% as effective orally as IM.
so would eating tren pellets work? no
How come Parabolan Tabs work, and at the same dose as injects?
Is there something special about them?
