diluting UG gear?


New member
i want to know if it is a good idea to dilute gear from a ug lab. and how should i do it. for example MSL has deca for example at 250 per ml. i can only take 50 to 100 mg which is 1/5th ml to 2/5th ml. talk about too damn small. any ways i was thinking of diluting the vial to 100mg/ml by adding xml of sterile oil to another sterile vile that can accomedate the extra oil and gear, injecting the MSL gear into vial, shaking and walla, im done. maybe a little oven baking with pin in stopper anf now walla. approx 100mg/ml. know i can start even lower and build up. no need for sides;)

well, first off, if possible, id use the same oil used as the original product to dilute...and yes, id bake at the end to kill the extra wee buggers