Directions for coverting all PH to powders/


Informed Member
Directions for coverting all PH powders to injectables?

Thousands of people have put directions on here for converting real powders of EQ,Test, ect. It would be nice if someone would do a post and put directions for coverting all PH powders. I can find how to convert real test cyp powders all day long but if I want to convert the PH powder then I can't find a damn thing. Not here Conv. Board, Anabolic Minds not anywhere. A sticky with directions on coverting PH powders would be great. Any body want to jump out there and do that? Don't send us to other boards I want it here in this thread! Maybe not all PH but at least the 4AD, 1-test, 1-test cyp. The popular ones everyones is takeing?
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