Discreet peptide storage. Ice chest? Other ideas?


New member
I'm interested in trying out some peptides. Problem is, I'm very hesitant to keep them in the fridge because I can't have my roommates finding out about my use. What if I were to keep them in an ice chest in my room? I would put new ice packs in there each morning, and maybe each night if necessary.

I suppose the first step would be to do a dry test run and find out if the ice chest is still cold at the end of the day. But I figured I'd ask anyways in case someone here used/uses this method.

Anyone have some suggestions for how to store peptides discreetly?
you can get a minifridge for <$100

i used to hide them in there behind foods nobody would want to steal
I guess a mini fridge is the way to go.

Why can't your roommates find out?

To put it in simple and vague terms,

a) they are not lifters so they wouldn't understand
b) if they were to tell other people about it I could get in a LOT of trouble
c) I just don't want them to know, and that's the bottom line.

P.S. "Roommates" is NOT code for parents.