Dissapointed in the board!

DADAWG said:
cak some mods and staff members at a lot of boards have dropped ou of sight completely or just been very nervous about answering certain questions because of raw deal and the threats LE made about going after owners and staff of the boards . i do catch myself thinking hard about what i will answer and how i word it myself but things will smooth over eventually.
This is a real concern for mods, we'll do our best but things aren't the way they used to be and might not be for quite awhile.
DocJ said:
This is a real concern for mods, we'll do our best but things aren't the way they used to be and might not be for quite awhile.
This is true. Right now, I'm feeling lucky I'm not a US citizen and can still speak my mind.
viceman316 said:
Since we're in the spirit of gettings more answers across, Anyone had any experience with Nandrolone Phynelpropionate? How often to inject? how well does it work? Sides? Still expect Deca dick even with a shorter ester (cutting right to the chase there haha)
propinat is just the ester , your just as likely to get deca dick from it the deconate . every 2-3 days at most for prop injects eod is better .
most of the questions asked have been asked 200 times the last month. a simple search will answer most questions. .

Yes, but everyone seems to want a personalized answer. lol
If you guys dont like it here then in stead of bitching... Fuck off

Its as simple as that. Guys arnt gonna reply just for the hell of it.
And the amount of times you read 'I wanna go on steroids what should I run??' or 'what is PCT??' It gets abit tedious,when all they have to do is do a simple search, If they cant be arsed to do that then only God knows what there training is like. It would be like...

Estray!! Will you do my training for me tomorrow, I know what I need to do but I cant be arsed.

Oooops went off one again hope that doesnt make me a 'Hater' I just hate the stereo type 'musclehead' who cant do a bit of reasearch, you'll find most the answers are right infront of your face.
Ive been on here a few days and all my questions have been answered to a perfection with a ton of support. It may be annoying to you guys but its helpful to new guys and its really appreciated
Still love this board even though I do miss some of the old posters from yester year? Some went to some other boards and then from there even feel off the earth.
I havent been on too often the last 6 months but when I visited once a day this was by far my favorite board. One good thing about it is that it is that it isnt a source board so the people who come here come to actually learn and pass on knowledge... not order thier next cycle
It's still a great board, I am just spoiled from 04' when everybody was more active. It is the best board though, no doubt about it. I enjoy being here!
I'm reading in this thread some mods would be uninterested in replying to basic questions. I can't speak for all mods, but I find that hard to believe. Personally, I haven't let an email go unanswered in all my time on the board, no matter what, and I'm pretty damn proud of it too.
Even if I wouldn't know an answer, I would do the effort to actually look it up, and I'll always have the decency to reply.
Thoms said:
I'm reading in this thread some mods would be uninterested in replying to basic questions. I can't speak for all mods, but I find that hard to believe. Personally, I haven't let an email go unanswered in all my time on the board, no matter what, and I'm pretty damn proud of it too.
Even if I wouldn't know an answer, I would do the effort to actually look it up, and I'll always have the decency to reply.

U do a good job Thoms, keep up the good work
I have my own board. I have been on the boards for 8 years. They are cyclical. You will get lots of answers some times of the year and less other times. This is the only other board I come to besided my own. You're lucky this place is here or instead of getting no answer you'd be getting the wrong answer at the clusterfuck known as Elite.
I will be answering more questions here from now on. I'm not a mod, but I know some answers. I have a store so please excuse that I have to include products I sell in some of my answers. I do it because I believe what I'm posting. But like the mods here, I won't give the wrong answer. I do look down the board and try to find 0 post threads to go to first. This is a great board. I'm proud to be a part of it.
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I have to vouche for Ulter on this one, I have tried a number of his products and all work as they claim, and are a decent price, if his store has it I am buying it from him..:)