Disteended Stomach while on cycle ?

Do as I say not as I do :)

Listen dad, ah haaa :) got it.
Thanks Halfwit I think you guys are on to it, but so much to learn, figure out and work out. Yep another thing I tell people is "one day at a time", well hello Mike.:dunno:

After reading more on the pro BB and their stomachs and the article I was getting the idea of old bro-science.

Well guys if anyone has a construction related Q's I do know my stuff, ha ! lol!

Crap I was looking at my extra sharp cheddar to put on my tuna , tomato melt and damn. So I've gotten on to all this and I am not gonna buy milk, OMG no milk for a while.
Well I know it's only been a day n a half. I haven't had any cheese in over 48 hrs. I started with some lemon juice this am being the second day but taking it in warm water as Bigben suggested. I got some Activia Probiotic yogurt and had some earlier. I have not had any milk in four days. I have eaten a good bit of raw tomato's in the pat 48 hrs. That's what I have been able to do and the changes so far.

I realize there is much more to add and to delete in my diet and that this will take some time. However for what ever reason my stomach isn't quite as bloated tonight. It might be the cheese that has been aggravating my stomach at least for one thing.

But at any rate I feel that we/ you guys are on to just what might be the problem. I'm looking forward to following more the suggestions Bigben and some of you other guys have given me.

Between this stomach and the rotary cuff I'm gonna hang in here
QUOTE : A few weeks ago u had the stomach bloat issue...and a few weeks ago u ran out of air.
Is that where the bloat came from?
(I know this is off topic and I should be on your other thread about this but I'm on my phone and I'm lazy to look :-(
END Quote

Ya know I haven't found out what the bloat is. It's very high starting under my pecs. I was even thinking could this be due to extremely weak n out of shape abs. :dunno:

So I eat less when it stars getting stressed, tight BIG. I go to the gym not very bloated and do abs on a machine being careful due to my lower back. I've been feeling good in the gym and my abs beneath my boat are getting tighter. I can suck it in and flex and start to see (a little) my abs. But then I eat dinner and BOOM there it is. Distended and TIGHT to the point I have NO room to push my stomach out anymore , NON.

I'm learning to deal with it and work around it but it's there all the time if I'm relaxed. In my shirt you can see my chest / pecs and then a roll / bulge running around just under the pecs. You would think I was fat.

No particular food, I can't pin point it. It really looks like you could stick a 16 gauge in there and it would deflate. No colonoscopy or endoscopy due to $$$ as I have said.

I'm riding the stationary bike after my workout 45-60 min and I'm burring what fat tissue is with my mid section.

So it's there and as I speak with NO food in me today yet it's uncomfortable. Thanks anzel.... mike
Thats what I was thinking also... add more water and fiber and see how it goes. i get a bit bloated when bulking regardless.

Thanks porkchop, no I drink a lot of water in the gym and all kinds of liquid. For the average guy I drink a lot. Not alcohol :)

I might could use more fiber, but I have investigated everything I can think of. My acidity and the x-rays , etc... in n on. It's down to the colonoscopy and endoscopy. mike
doing steroids over 60 is not good for health. stop doing steroids for a long period of time.

Batman I'm pretty sure I know who you are. Please do not come on MY THREAD and talk bullshit. Yea bullshit. At 65 AAS is not doing me any more harm then when I was 30. That's a fact says me and my doctor.

You need not reply and hopefully you will not for the reason you don't know what you talk of... Thanks
Batman I'm pretty sure I know who you are. Please do not come on MY THREAD and talk bullshit. Yea bullshit. At 65 AAS is not doing me any more harm then when I was 30. That's a fact says me and my doctor.

You need not reply and hopefully you will not for the reason you don't know what you talk of... Thanks

your doctor dont know what he is doing. stop doing steroids over 65. i am thinking your health ! heart attack or stroke, if you dont listen to me.
hey battman, whats up? first warning to stop disturbing others threads with ill statements without facts.

I have already been looking over his posts because its border line trolling OR the lack of sens/IQ is a big fsactor if all his posts are for real... he doesnt know much about this stuff except the basic propaganda from a basic google search and is only annoying members here with stupid questions and statements IMO.
just pointing it out he has already stood out to me..

in one thread he asks wht a doc rec's for test only cycle and how to optimize it... yeah the general doc knows alot about aas... : /

batmann pst all yu want, back it with facts if you are so sure of your statements and not just parroting statements you have read... show me a study showing "possible"relation with test use and health issues and ill post up 20 easy showing how much worse it is to have low-no test levels... most men in older age would actually be HEALTHIER with responsible aas use than with no hormones at all IMO
Well I haven't worked out in the last two weeks and it is really depressing. I'm thinking well I'm 65 and I've done ok. It's getting just harder and harder to keep it up at any level. Fvck my shoulder has made to where I can't do some body parts. I've been concentrating on arms like some macho college punk that come's in on Friday afternoon to get his Biceps pumped for the girls. I've seen it so much when I owned my gym. But doing triceps is hurting my shoulder....................

Now the thread topic I started in regard to my distended stomach. Shit really check this out.
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A month ago
Yea look at my Avi and that was 3 years ago. Also that is NOT fat.

They don't know what it is. Tap on this thing and it is like a melon, hollow . It is distorted and is out farther then my pec's . With my T-shirt I look like some old fat fvcker.

You know it's really not to much fun lifting like these feeble old men type. Most of us love to bench and I can't anymore due to my shoulder.

I feel so embarrassed on here thinking I'm a fraud talking like I still look like BB. Really not wanting anyone on this forum to see me. Only two years ago I looked OK, like a lifter and was real proud to have the physique I have at 65. I can't seem to eat , or at least eat enough to cycle and then not lifting much. Well WTF am I doing.

Really you have no idea what this aging thing is like :( I mean fvck, fvck, fvck. My osteoarthritis and bursitis plus the shoulder I wake up in the am and ache everywhere.

Well I just had to come clean with what I am. AND tell you guys that some day in time you just can't over come the fact of old age. I'm tired of fighting it. Trying to get up and eat planning that this will be a good day at the gym. Oh but I fvckin hurt and now that I've eaten my distended stomach hurts. OMG you can't miss another day Mike. Only to not go and get on here with guilt almost hiding behind the computer. Then to get up and do it all over.

Two fvckin weeks I feel like shit , Huh, no I feel like a very old man and thinking Ya no better then those old guys that can't hardly walk. The old guys on the machines going thru the movement with no flexing / contractions doing ten reps and stopping when they could actually do 20 reps with the ten pounds they loaded, but the fvcking fitness guy said do ten. AND in his mind that's enough, ha, don't want to get sore. SHIT get a grip.

OK I'm done, feel like a drink. Crap on that.
Forgive me I got caught up in a shit pity party. :( BUT I did want to post the pic of my stomach. I think there is a very serious problem here.
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Hey if I had 80 - 100 mgs of Oxycodone I could forget all this bullshit. Hmm oh that would feel good . BUT holy fvck then I would be back on it. That would be my death. The one thing I know is if I go down that road , this time I will die. I would want that, IF I started up again. Been 6 years after the 20 year role of opiates.

Some talk crap and say oh it was killing me and maybe it was ? Yep but it was KILLING, me and It will KILL me this time. For sure.
Ha all this pity talk, yea I know it's pity and some of it instigated by my Bi-Polar.

But the Oxycodone would take the pain away.

The end of the party
At some.point in one's life you keep lifting and exercise ing for . longevity. Keep the joints moving ND lubricated.
. Time for a Dr visit to see about the stomach thing. You're right, it could be serious
Mike I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure you have diverticulitis
No acidic food
No food with seeds
My ex boss had this and his stomach looked exactly the same as yours
Sometimes diverticulitis can be fixed just by adjusting your diet sometimes some surgery is needed i would be googling it and having a look then off to the docs for a camera up the back end . If left untreated diverticulitis will blow up your stomach (abdomen) exactly how yours looks good luck
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Thanks for the reply guys. Blakey thanks for the info. I'll check it out.

Sorry about the pity post. Just lost my grip with my depression.
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I looked up the symptoms of diverticulitis and I do have several. The nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite and stomach aches. I will talk to my doctor and see what he can do to check me out. I will most probably be having the endoscopy and colonoscopy next month so maybe he'll have something to say about it. Again thanks for the info. :)
Mike. I wouldn't feel bad coming on here and unloading. Good that you did in fact.
Your going thru a tough time and when it gets resolved u will start feeling 1000 times better. Just hang in there.
Guys like you don't quit. But you are human and that means sometimes shit just plain old sucks.

Hopefully Blakey is on to something and u will get this resolved.
Keep pushing and stand your ground.
Not sure what you mean. I have tried Gas pills / Semethicone and tums. I am not lactose intolerant. Cheese or dairy doesn't' bother me.