Disteended Stomach while on cycle ?

and for the record I just started mct oil myself again and was sitting in the can pissing out of my ass when I wrote that thread. sorry sir.

Lol gotta love pissin out your ass. I was just reading the thread appleton posted. That's some serious stuff.

I've been in touch with 3J the past couple days I'm gonna hire him for six months. I'm gonna mention to him about the mct oil and see if that's something to add to his program.
Lol gotta love pissin out your ass.

laugh all you want now :) but when you start with mct oil youll be singing another tune when its happening to you. and be sure to take extra pants and underwear with you when you go out, because come fart time it might run right out of you. stay away from beans and berries for a week or so lol
UPDATE with Doctor Visit Today

1st he has my blood work and is going to start the process to get the Hep-C medication approved. I should maybe have it in a few weeks. I take one pill once a day for 3 months and that’s it. I have the most common Hep-C ?? so he has had good success and with no unwanted sides.

Now I showed him the info in regard to Candida Yeast. He said I DO NOT HAVE CANDIDA. He said he would of seen it. He wants me to continue the MCT oil.

Also I complained about memory loss and concentration and just being in a fog. He told me that my liver might be giving off too much ammonia and there is a blood test for that. So I had blood drawn today !.

Now my answer about the good n bad bacteria in reference to my bloat. Yes there is a test and it is a kit for taking your breath. They (the doc) were out of them so when he gets them in I will go and they will see about that. They are ordering them today.

I have everything in process for now. I will maintain the MCT oils as he does want me to do and I believe it may be , beginning to help.

Diet ?? well that's still a problem but am getting into it. Sugar is a big problem for me. I have been a sugar freak all my life. I know I must do something.

That's it for now. Thanks
Ya know I don't disbelieve you. And I am still using the MCT as you said. I think I am doing better, but it is so intermittent that it is hard to tell. Well the episodes are fewer so that's better. But when it bloats , it is big. Not as big as the pics though.

Anyway he is going to do a test for the bacteria , good n bad ? I also have that attention and memory problem that isn't JUST old age. I think may be some of you , Milton perhaps has witnessed me getting a bit spaced out on here. ?? That would be the ammonia from my liver. I have little but some fatty liver tissue.

I'm following your lead to as much as I can. The doctor seems to be more interested in the Hep-C cure. Yes I know it is a bad thing. BUT it isn't bothering me everyday.

I gotta learn and do with a better diet for this , I know.

Ya know I don't disbelieve you. And I am still using the MCT as you said. I think I am doing better, but it is so intermittent that it is hard to tell. Well the episodes are fewer so that's better. But when it bloats , it is big. Not as big as the pics though.

Anyway he is going to do a test for the bacteria , good n bad ? I also have that attention and memory problem that isn't JUST old age. I think may be some of you , Milton perhaps has witnessed me getting a bit spaced out on here. ?? That would be the ammonia from my liver. I have little but some fatty liver tissue.

I'm following your lead to as much as I can. The doctor seems to be more interested in the Hep-C cure. Yes I know it is a bad thing. BUT it isn't bothering me everyday.

I gotta learn and do with a better diet for this , I know.

DPR has been there and back and owns the corner lot. TRUST HIM.

whats your doc doing to treat your Hep-C?
Ya know I don't disbelieve you. And I am still using the MCT as you said. I think I am doing better, but it is so intermittent that it is hard to tell. Well the episodes are fewer so that's better. But when it bloats , it is big. Not as big as the pics though.

Anyway he is going to do a test for the bacteria , good n bad ? I also have that attention and memory problem that isn't JUST old age. I think may be some of you , Milton perhaps has witnessed me getting a bit spaced out on here. ?? That would be the ammonia from my liver. I have little but some fatty liver tissue.

I'm following your lead to as much as I can. The doctor seems to be more interested in the Hep-C cure. Yes I know it is a bad thing. BUT it isn't bothering me everyday.

I gotta learn and do with a better diet for this , I know.


What is intermittent ?
As in your not taking the MCT oil as a meal or with every meal? Well Not easy but the benefits well out the hassle. the problem is if you wait too long between intervals you will experience the blow out again.
Hey man I have ben taking it at least 3 times a day.


So I was pretty sick yesterday and didn't eat but a bowel of chili n beans. This am I drank a milkshake made with milk, two eggs and 1/2 banana. Two or more hours after that I was getting ready to eat a chicken pot pie I took a tablespoon of MCT oil with a few gulps of water.

Well in ten minutes I got an excruciating, I mean Fvckin bad stomach ache. It was burning like I can't ever having this that bad in all my life. I broke out in a sweat, felt nauseous and felt like I had to crap. But nothing coming on either end. I would have welcomed it. The sweat was pouring off my brow.

Man I tell you after 20 minutes I was about to call 911. I sat doubled over and tried to sip water. This continued for about an hour. Oh I also got very dizzy. So I guess I too the oil on an empty stomach and didn't wash it down enough ?

This was 1:00 pm and now at 8:30 I still have a stomach ache. Not as bad of course. I was able to get a little pot pie down ( bland).

Is acidic fruit juice bad ? I would think Yes. Simple Simon huh ? Milk, cheese? I am not lactose intolerant.

Oh yea this afternoon I was pissing out my ass like a fire hose.
New Tests to be done

Ok yes I am learning about diet as you guys have advised as well as I continue the MCT oil. I'm still sick. As I posted this weekend was bad. Yesterday better and today I am doing well.

So all my doctor has been serious about with me is my Hep-C. I'm got pissed. I told him yesterday by email. I have had Hep-C for 30+ years and it hasn't bothered me so if he can't get real aggressive in regard to my stomach, more tests a dietitian , (my insurance will pay) then I have no reason to continue with him.

NOW I am scheduled for a Hidal scan ? and a gastric emptying test. I already gave some blood for the Ammonia problem , for memory. And I am still awaiting the test for the Good Vs bad bacteria.

GOOD NEWS is I had a pretty good day and stopped in to the gym and did a little arm work. WTF...gotta laugh the good old macho man workout, Bi's n Tri's ha!
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Oops I made a mistake and it isn't a Hidal scan it is a Hida scan...:

A HIDA scan, which stands for hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan, creates pictures of your liver, gallbladder, biliary tract and small intestine. A HIDA scan can also be called cholescintigraphy, hepatobiliary scintigraphy or hepatobiliary scan. A HIDA scan is a type of imaging study called a nuclear medicine scan.

OMG they're gonna inject me with some radioactive stuff and makes you sick ...Huh Does anyone of you guys know anything about this test ?? It sounds a bit scary to me . It's all about the gallbladder.
... Feeling a bit better today....

That makes the beginning of the 3rd day since that horrific Sunday last. I am taking the MCT oil regularly with food. Today my stomach is a round shape and does feel like it not cured but on the up swing. Damn I pray that it will not revert, however it's only the last 2 days.

Hopefully I will start on some ab work to tighten up my ab muscles they are in atrophy and seem to be stretched out and very round. Today I seem to be able to flex them and flatten my shape somewhat.

So maybe this is some beginning :) ...
...4th Day Feeling Better...

So today I have little , very little bloat. No stomach ache today and my appetite is getting better. I am managing to eat two and a half meals a day. Still using the MCT oil.

I gotta report to you guys I am attributing this recovery / cure if you will, to this MCT coconut oil. Ha...WTF doctor ?? :dunno:

My stomach isn't 100% down but it is so relieved. :elephant:

I still plan to take the tests he has set up and at my age with the problems and with my Medicare , why not.

My attitude towards life is changing for the better. Had a busy day and didn't make the Gym but plan on tomorrow.
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Yep I thinks so...
I do know that my mental health is getting a bit better as I physically feel better. Ha common sense , Simple Simon told me...:laugh: