DNP Cycle Log - Second Cycle (Feedback from Experienced DNPers Appreciated)

Oh and I wish there was a way to tell if a person gets hospitalized so we could take bets on when because if you're just going to keep doing this shit every 3 weeks you'll be dead in no time.
Oh I am willing to put in the effort. The first half is the hardest, when the visible results come its much easier, for me at least, to keep pushing harder. You guys are tough! But I appreciate the ADVICE and honesty. Ill stick with my lipodrene and going to cut carbs completely. I am going on vacation in February and hoping to lose 7lbs of pure fat. I'll post in another thread since this one is relevant to DNP only. Thanks again.
So I started a 3rd cycle of 11 days of 500-750/day of crystal DNP on Feb 23. I left my window open - it was -15 outside but it cooled me down greatly. I had gastro on the last day and had to stop. I started off at 142lb and I am now at 135lb.

Coincidentally, I went for my regular annual labs and my results came back spectacular- somehow my high cholesterol has disappeared, my good cholesterol is higher, etc... I'm not saying that DNP caused it, but it is obvious that it was the fat loss that caused it. I don't advocate for DNP and I don't want to encourage anyone to take it- I think it has risks- I just try and mitigate those risks. And it doesn't hurt to share my experiences in case anyone else is thinking of taking the risk too.
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WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH DNP? miracle fat loss pill or suicide? Every forum, article or blog I read is 50/50 on the drug. I have some powder caps on the way and can not decide if I'm being ignorant or if I can use it properly at a low dose (Ive done my research) and lose a couple stubborn fat lbs. I understand there is a close margin between regular dose and overdose. If I take 100mgs powder a day for 10 days***8230; that is the safest I can get***8230; CONSTRUCTIVE critique only please.

I am not lazy I work out 4-5x a week and eat clean.

Its a pesticide..

Fuckin idiots use it.