DNP Source Sentenced Today in FDA Case

SkedMedz said:
Much respect due bro. That being said though, did you just majorly contradict yourself, or is it just me being a little hungover & tipsy this afternoon? On one hand you say that "you wanna play this game, you better be ok with the consequences" right? Well if that is truely how you feel, then WHY DOES IT ONLY APPLY TO GURU? Why not to the kid who knew what he was buying, and fucked up with it? Why do you feel BAD for HIM? Doesn't he have to accept the same consequences?? If "we are all big boys, and we know the ramifications of what we do" holds true in your heart & mind bro, then why are you only applying that to one side here???? Doesn't make ANY sense if you ask me.

Why because i feel sorry for a kid in a box six feet under, he dealt with his consequences. I feel sorry for anyone that dies for something as stupid as wanting to lose a few lbs. But i do agree, he is responsible for his own actions. Maybe you would feel better skedz if the kid was convicted of possesion posthumously.
jcp2 said:
Why because i feel sorry for a kid in a box six feet under, he dealt with his consequences. I feel sorry for anyone that dies for something as stupid as wanting to lose a few lbs. But i do agree, he is responsible for his own actions. Maybe you would feel better skedz if the kid was convicted of possesion posthumously.

Im sorry, a big ole' "HUH" on that last question bro. Personally, I think that the dude was too stupid to use dnp. Drug laws in the USA are basically structured around retards like him, and as a result of those types of people, those of us who are able to use those drugs responsibly have them taken out of our hands, and are subsequently made into criminals. Take ephedrine for example. One guy out of 30 billion goes and takes 30X the recommended dose and dies, and then the shitty parents are looking right away, to attach the blame to ANY-FUCKING-THING other than themselves. "It was the product", or in this case the person who supplied it, or both. So given the fact that they are obviously looking to throw responsibility for their own SHIT PARENTING in someone elses direction're right..I REALLY DON'T feel bad for them. I don't feel bad for the IDIOT who died either. He was too dumb to live anyhow. Who do I feel bad for? Guru. That's obvious I think. If "responsibility for their actions" lies anywhere, it is right with the people who were made to look as if they had the LEAST AMOUNT OF IT in this case. In other words, THE PARENTS OF DUMBASS, and DUMBASS himself. Fuck all of those morons. That's just me though. But I see your point for the most part bro.:D
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skedz i agree with just about everything you just said. Like i said i feel bad for the kid because he is dead, and probably more so because most of us have done stupider shit in our lives than take dnp, and we are still here.
jcp2 said:
skedz i agree with just about everything you just said. Like i said i feel bad for the kid because he is dead, and probably more so because most of us have done stupider shit in our lives than take dnp, and we are still here.

That last part is 100% true. I often think about when I had my Suzuki Katana 600. How many times did I have that fucker out on the freeway at 150 mph. Stupid. It scares me when I think about that. If I wouldn't have sold it, I'd bet you dollars to deca-durabolins that I'd be dead now. I guess the bottom line is bro...some of us get to "live & learn". Some don't get a second chance on the learn part. O well.
SkedMedz said:
That last part is 100% true. I often think about when I had my Suzuki Katana 600. How many times did I have that fucker out on the freeway at 150 mph. Stupid. It scares me when I think about that. If I wouldn't have sold it, I'd bet you dollars to deca-durabolins that I'd be dead now. I guess the bottom line is bro...some of us get to "live & learn". Some don't get a second chance on the learn part. O well.

Oh damn.........SkedMedz, you just reminded me of my last weeks trip from the racetrack. It was myself and 9 other buds on our motorcycles, hit triple digits a few times. R1 here though! :D

Sorry for getting of the subject guys!
SkedMedz said:
Im sorry, a big ole' "HUH" on that last question bro. Personally, I think that the dude was too stupid to use dnp. Drug laws in the USA are basically structured around retards like him, and as a result of those types of people, those of us who are able to use those drugs responsibly have them taken out of our hands, and are subsequently made into criminals. Take ephedrine for example. One guy out of 30 billion goes and takes 30X the recommended dose and dies, and then the shitty parents are looking right away, to attach the blame to ANY-FUCKING-THING other than themselves. "It was the product", or in this case the person who supplied it, or both. So given the fact that they are obviously looking to throw responsibility for their own SHIT PARENTING in someone elses direction're right..I REALLY DON'T feel bad for them. I don't feel bad for the IDIOT who died either. He was too dumb to live anyhow. Who do I feel bad for? Guru. That's obvious I think. If "responsibility for their actions" lies anywhere, it is right with the people who were made to look as if they had the LEAST AMOUNT OF IT in this case. In other words, THE PARENTS OF DUMBASS, and DUMBASS himself. Fuck all of those morons. That's just me though. But I see your point for the most part bro.:D

VERY true bro. Today, the term "personal responsibility" is simply nowhere to be found. It's much easier (and profitable, for that matter) to blame someone or something else than to face your own shortcomings, ignorance, and irresponsibility. It's sad, really.
Rumors, rumors, rumors. Federal prisoners CAN get out early for good time - FACT!

Federal Prisons DO NOT have weights, etc. - FACT.

A good friend of mine spent time in Federal Prison for 5 years. He was in Beaumont, TX outside of Houston.

Drugs such as Marijuana, Ecstacy, Heroin, LSD, etc. are all readily available there too. It's all part of the barter system in Federal Prison.

If you know nothing about Federal Prsions or don't know someone PERSONALLY that spent time there (or k ow a guard that works at one), please don't make assumptions or speculate. Do your research before you make assumptions about Prisons, whether they be Federal, State or County.
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SkedMedz said:
Well this is going to sound like a joke even though it is not least he is going to Federal Prison. If I had to go to one of the three(County, State, or Fed), I'd take Fed any day of the week. Most have weights, Libraries, decent food, etc. Alot cleaner too(as prisons go). Anyhow I wish him luck. I hope they find out down the line, that the dead kids parents were supplying him with Heroin, or something that will justify my overwhelming contempt for them focusing blame on this poor guy. I wish him well.

Dimas is correct. Weightlifting equipment is banned in federal prisons.
Here is a cut and paste from the above link so you don't have to sift through all the rest of the garbage.

`(2) provides living conditions and opportunities to prisoners within its prisons that are not more luxurious than those conditions and opportunities the average prisoner would have experienced if such prisoner were not incarcerated, and does not provide to any such prisoner any instruction (live or through broadcasts) or training equipment for boxing, wrestling, judo, karate, or other martial art, or any bodybuilding or weightlifting equipment of any sort;
Guru's actions under current US law WERE/ARE illegal. Whether or not you agree or disagree with US law, it is what it is -THE LAW!. Guru broke the law so there goes 'some' of your personal responsibility arguments. Some of that personal responsibility is on Guru. He broke the law by selling DNP, rolled the dice and lost. No one forced his hand to enter the Black Market and break the law to make money. He did for himself. NOT to help all of us out. The number one goal of any business (legal or illegal) is to make money. Let's not all forget Business Mgmt. 101. It's sad that the laws are so harsh for him for I too agree with most of you in 'spirit'. I am sorry for Guru. Going to the 'Fed' is very, very hard. You can never reclaim those lost years. I wish him the best and I hope everything works out for him, his loved ones and his family. They too are going through their own hell just like the victims' loved ones. Big difference though is Guru is alive. You must be willing to pay the price though when you enter 'the game'. End of story.
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My bad on the weights. Don't let it ruin your day though Pyrros. You sound really upset. Relax, it aint that big of deal my brother. :D:D As far as "personal responsibility" goes, I do tend to agree with you. Just as the deceased kids' parents should take responsibility for their lack of parenting until it was too late, it can also be said that GURU must take responsibility for selling a product that he obviously knew could have dire consequences in the hands of the wrong person. In other words(and here's what I got from your post) you can't have it both ways. You can not say personal responsibility lies solely on one end of the spectrum, but none with the other. It is a two-way street. Without both responsible parties actions, the end result can never occur. What pisses me off though is, while we don't know what degree of responsibility GURU has taken for this incident, WE CAN FOR CERTAIN SAY that the parents have chosen to take Z-E-R-O, but have chosen rather to play victim to whom everyone should feel empathy. To me, that can be deduced simply by their obvious demonizing of the product in question, & the persecution of the person who sold it, rather than any sort of lack of parental supervision on their end. For that reason, I find myself more empathetic towards GURU. Perhaps if I knew that GURU didn't take responsibility for his end, I wouldn't feel the same.
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SkedMedz = I agree with your assessment about the parents/parenting issue(s).

I am relaxed now. I just drank a MetRx and I feel good! Diet was good over the weekend and today, Monday, is halfway over. Thank God for this four day week! :-)
You know, for a first post it seems appropriate to comment on this subject.

All the efforts spent regulating DNP, and jailing sellers, etc - for what?

To prevent the average joe-shmoe from buying a perfectly usable pH indicator and nitro-organic explosive.

You know, they were still *prescribing* this as a weight-loss drug into the 1940's.


The chemist in me is offended when someone bans a chemical because morons mis-use it.

Doctor9 said:
You know, for a first post it seems appropriate to comment on this subject.

All the efforts spent regulating DNP, and jailing sellers, etc - for what?

To prevent the average joe-shmoe from buying a perfectly usable pH indicator and nitro-organic explosive.

You know, they were still *prescribing* this as a weight-loss drug into the 1940's.


The chemist in me is offended when someone bans a chemical because morons mis-use it.


Get used to it. Once the ephedra scare is over with, we'll be lucky if we can buy Preperation H over the counter anymore. Truly asinine. But what do you expect from the government?
jcp2 said:
Before you go feeling sorry for this guy, remember he knew what he was selling, and i am pretty damn sure he knew it had serious sides if used incorrectly. You wanna play this game, you better be ok with the consequences. I feel bad for the kid that died, and i feel bad for his family, but i don't really feel bad for the guy that sold it. We are all big boys and we all the know the ramifications of what we do, guru just got called out on it.

So we should feel bad for someone that missused it? Instead we should blame the person who provided it to someone that was stupid, oh ok.

Our sympathies to the dumb.

Instead of calling out people who do 2 grams a week of test for thier first cycle, lets just say ooh you poor baby.
jcp2 said:
Why because i feel sorry for a kid in a box six feet under, he dealt with his consequences.

I feel for him too, but it was self induced wasn't it. Ergo, he has himself to blame.

Lets stop selling gasoline because its a carcinogen too, we should hate the world for creating such a monstrocity of a thing. Oh and what about the people that drink it, we should not blame them, instead we should blame the government for letting them buy the gasoline in the first place.

Come on now.
Dealing is dealing. Don't feel sorry for the guy who rails an 8 ball his first time ever foing Coke and then drops dead of a heart attack; instead feel sorry for the dealer who sold the 8 ball to the 'user'.

There are two parties here. Both are responsible. Whether it is 1% Guru's fault and 99% the 'users' or 50/50 they share the blame. The argument for whom shares what percentage is the issue. Guru is NOT blameless. Sorry people. If you think Guru is blameless then you have deluded yourlseves out of reality to rationalize your own AS use (and in some instances here ABUSE). There is no need for you to protect your collective AS intersest/usages along with AS ancillaries 'so to speak'. Take responsibility when necessesary.

How many people cry and complain about how unfair it is when they get a controlled delivery? People are always crying. To play 'the game' you roll the dice. If you can't handle the 'possible' consequences, then don't step up to the table and roll the dice. Don't even think of getting into 'the game'. Life isn't fair; you learn that lesson early on in lfke on the Playground in Kindergarten.

I disagree with most here on the 'opinion' of Guru. I think he shoulders more blame than most here think he should. These are just my opinions from the heart.