Terrible news. Look at these fines and penalties too! What is wrong with this picture. The US law treats him worse than murderers, child molestors, and the money that goes into these rediculous investigations is our tax money. How can a country that claims such freedom spend so much time on things like this?? Particularly, drugs they know nothing about with people who have no knowledge of sports or exercise, drink beer and smoke, making these decisions. Furthermore, what kind of country proclaims war on it's own people. This is like the days of prohibition. Most police officers in the gym I know respect the hell out of bodybuilding, yet they are the same people that are ordered to go after the athletes. If the US continues this fake war on drugs, I believe that it will fall. They really need to re-think this stuff out. It is sad. It's a big terrorist loop-hole in my opinion. After all the US is one huge hypocritical country. Phillip Morris is killing billions of people. Were in big trouble with business dictating whats suppose to be a democracy. It seems to only be getting worse too.