Do steroids increase the value of cabs or vitamins ?


New member
I guess we all know that they increase protein synthesis in order for the cells to create more new proteins = mass .. but do they do anything more directly with carbs and vitamins well ?
3j-wouldu expand when u can please ?

Feed efficiency is the measurement of ones efficiency in converting food into ones desired output.

Simply put, increased feed efficiency will allow you to gain more off the same amount of food.

In a bodybuilders case the outcome is is obviously performance and the building of LMM. When using Tren you use what you eat more efficiently.

The drug was originally used for cattle so that cattle farmers could yield a larger amount of beef with no extra cost for the cattles feed.

Same amount of feed.....bigger cows.
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Feed efficiency is the measurement of ones efficiency in converting food into ones desired output.

Simply put, increased feed efficiency will allow you to gain more off the same amount of food.

In a bodybuilders case the outcome is is obviously performance and the building of LMM. When using Tren you use what you eat more efficiently.

The drug was originally used for cattle so that cattle farmers could yield a larger amount of beef with no extra cost for the cattles feed.

Same amount of feed.....bigger cows.

good post, nice and succinct