do sugar substitutes hinder fat loss??


New member
I recently started to cut again and Im trying to ween myself off of diet pop, splenda, and crystal light because I feel Im having a hard time getting rid of extra fat. I put splenda on almost everything and drink crystal light with eveything. Do you think this is true with artificial sugars??
No, I don't believe that sugar sub's will DIRECTLY hinder your fat loss. What I have come accross in my studies and experience is that it can hinder how well you stick to your diet. Generally when consuming lots of sugar subs like Splenda your getting the sweet tastes but not the cals/carbs so your body keeps/starts craving processed carbs and sugar. Which in return can increase your appetite and increase your chances of cheating or failing. I've always found that the stricter I am and better the quality of food is, the less I crave or even think about junk. It just increases your chances of success at a faster pace.
JayC said:
No, I don't believe that sugar sub's will DIRECTLY hinder your fat loss. What I have come accross in my studies and experience is that it can hinder how well you stick to your diet. Generally when consuming lots of sugar subs like Splenda your getting the sweet tastes but not the cals/carbs so your body keeps/starts craving processed carbs and sugar. Which in return can increase your appetite and increase your chances of cheating or failing. I've always found that the stricter I am and better the quality of food is, the less I crave or even think about junk. It just increases your chances of success at a faster pace.

Great point!
Yes Jayc makes a good point.

They dont slow down fat loss for me but i have seen studies that show sugar substitutes do spike insulin. im not sure what to make of it really. Bottom line is though they really have no nutritional value so just try and phase them out.
Sugar subs gotta have on my oatmeal. Have used vanilla creme whey in it before though. That has sweetener in it too though.
just add raisins to your oatmeal if you like it sweet because they are natural sugars.
anyway we eat because we need to fuel our bodies not because it tastes nice.