Do u hide steroid use from ur family ?


New member
A friend of mine was hiding it from hes family and when he had a bike accident he had a close call because none knows it and so doctors gave him some medication they should not in case the knew about hes steroid use. That happens years ago but i still remember..

So i was about to hide it but when i was researching and preparing for my first cycle i though "what if i have a car accident or something on cycle?" shouldnt someone from my family know it so he/she could let doctors known in case i cant at that moment so they could treat me best way possible? i was thinking of it for many days and then i decided to tell it to my sister at first because she and i have a better understanding into trust things , plus she has friends using roids years ago . So then i told my other sister and then two days before i told it to my mother too . LoL , im not telling everyone , in fact only my close family knows , the others should not and its not them business anyway. My mother was scared of this at first but i told her i know what im doing and shes ok with it as long as i know what im doing. She saw me changing my life years ago, alone without doctors help or whatever, when i went from 130+ kg @ 1,72 to 60-65kg no muscle and then put on muscle to 75kg (after some bulk + cut x repeat) and being pretty healthy so she got no problem trust me do whatever i want.

Well ok im 25 lol .. im not a kid or whatever but parents often see us as kids lol ...
But its really easier to be open on ur people , keep stuff on fridge (hcg for example) without have to hide it
Tell me about ur situation :)

(sorry for my english , im working on it :naughty: )
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Never thought of it like that....but good idea I guess. In my case my lady was like getting sick of my ed issues so I told her if I get on TRT that problem should be fixed. So far so good & she's the one that sticks me...200mg test cyp/week ;)
Never thought of it like that....but good idea I guess. In my case my lady was like getting sick of my ed issues so I told her if I get on TRT that problem should be fixed. So far so good & she's the one that sticks me...200mg test cyp/week ;)

You'd be amazed what 100mg masteron enanthate would do combined with the test cyp
Once you go on cycle your family will know. They've known you your whole life, they will know that something's off once they see you with 20lbs added and veins popping.
my mother could not know too but i like to let her know before others do and shes thinks im doing something dangerous (:spin:)
i was like " ok mom u know what , im on testosterone , its in our body too! dont worry its only small dose and it just gives me better protein synthesis, its not steroid neither an anabolic drug
she was like "oh ok just be safe :D"

now even if people tell her u know what? ur son doing roids! she will be like "i know it , its ok" i guess its better than take a stroke from her fear for my health (some mothers overreacting) :chomp:
well ..shiiiiit , i think my english are getting worse day by day hahaha
What could a doctor possibly give me that could possibly kill me if I had an accident, because I'm on cycle. Let's say you are using Test, Var, and Tren. Ok, so if you have good tren and you're taking moderate doses your heart rate, and blood pressure will be elevated some, but not a ridiculous amount. Regardless the docs see your heart rate and blood pressure, no matter what's causing it, they will treat you accordingly. Test is a bio-identical hormone, and as far as I know var won't interact with anything. You're probably taking an AI, and HCG as well, and that shouldn't be a big deal.

So why does it matter if the doctor knows?
What could a doctor possibly give me that could possibly kill me if I had an accident, because I'm on cycle. Let's say you are using Test, Var, and Tren. Ok, so if you have good tren and you're taking moderate doses your heart rate, and blood pressure will be elevated some, but not a ridiculous amount. Regardless the docs see your heart rate and blood pressure, no matter what's causing it, they will treat you accordingly. Test is a bio-identical hormone, and as far as I know var won't interact with anything. You're probably taking an AI, and HCG as well, and that shouldn't be a big deal.

So why does it matter if the doctor knows?

As long as we do it right and take the proper precautions, there isn't anything different. I guess if I went into a coma, I'd atrophy - but that would be the least of my worries.

Only my wife knows. Other family suspects, but I attribute it all to TRT and diet. That and they know my work ethic in the gym is something I take seriously. It's none of their business, and if I want to talk about AAS, I have here, or other friends that cycle. The last thing I'd want is to get angry or upset over something, and hear the words "roid rage" come out of their mouths.

The general public has no clue how this stuff works, nor do they understand the drive we have to push things to the limit. That unfortunately usually includes family.

My .02c :)
As long as we do it right and take the proper precautions, there isn't anything different. I guess if I went into a coma, I'd atrophy - but that would be the least of my worries.

Only my wife knows. Other family suspects, but I attribute it all to TRT and diet. That and they know my work ethic in the gym is something I take seriously. It's none of their business, and if I want to talk about AAS, I have here, or other friends that cycle. The last thing I'd want is to get angry or upset over something, and hear the words "roid rage" come out of their mouths.

The general public has no clue how this stuff works, nor do they understand the drive we have to push things to the limit. That unfortunately usually includes family.

My .02c :)

Agreed my gf knows I'm on TRT, and she knows I will cycle again once I get everything 100% dialed with my TRT protocol. My mother, father, brother, etc., they have no use for that information, and my mother is an RN.
My wife knows, as well as my brothers that I lift with, as i couldn't hide it from someone who knows my working weights and who lifts as well.

In general, the less people that know the better off you are. With the exception of your life partner.
Depends on your frame or build
If your 160lbs at 5'10 why would anybody question or assume u are doing steroids incl family now if u are pushing 220 to 250 the questions and looks Def start to come out, starting to get questioned alot these days but it's my business not theres
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My family was always cool with it. My dad knew that bodybuilding involves steroids. He lifted when he was younger but never took anything. He was always supportive but always told me to do my research and know what I was getting myself into before I got into it.
I think it would do more harm than good in most cases. If your family knows, be prepared for them to blame steroids on just about anything...
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I think it would do more harm than good in most cases. If your family knows, be prepared for them to blame steroids on just about anything...

in my case not at all , they wont blame roids for my rage because i always had rage issues since i remember myself but i learn to control it and focus it on other things. Now on my cycle except on my training i actually feel more calm the rest of the day because when i get mad on something i remind myself to be cool.
tbh my main issue was about storing hcg on fridge and about people talking here , they whould learn it anyway sooner or later so i prefer to let them know from me than from some @@shole who can add things to make it more like a problem.
i live in a close society so rumors spread like crazy ,thats why only my family knows and if anyone will ask me il tell them the same.

What could a doctor possibly give me that could possibly kill me if I had an accident, because I'm on cycle. Let's say you are using Test, Var, and Tren. Ok, so if you have good tren and you're taking moderate doses your heart rate, and blood pressure will be elevated some, but not a ridiculous amount. Regardless the docs see your heart rate and blood pressure, no matter what's causing it, they will treat you accordingly. Test is a bio-identical hormone, and as far as I know var won't interact with anything. You're probably taking an AI, and HCG as well, and that shouldn't be a big deal.

So why does it matter if the doctor knows?

i didnt say this can kill u but maybe treat u better :angel:
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I'm pretty open with it to just about everyone BESIDES my family. If some random Joe comes up to me at the gym(And they always do), I dont have a problem with telling him i'm not natural. I'm not going to give someone false hopes, which is what alot of people do.
I keep my biz between my fiancé and me. my other family doesn't need to know. the public can think what they want. it's usually correct!
nice , thx guys
guess im stupid then :freak:
jk , but its ok , we all do our own choises , mine was to be open to my people and closed to the rest
If my family was judgemental on me or whatever i would not let them know for sure
tbh i noticed they act more nice on me(they have heard of dat roid rage lololol .. whatever..) , thats something i like right now because even if im calm i noticed i could be rage up worst than ever (like if some dude push me on the bus or whatever when he could just avoid contact) and thats something im unleashing on my training :evil:
My wife joined me on my TRT journey from the beginning of last year, but was unaware that I needed TRT due to a few poorly managed cycles I ran earlier in my life... (she actually thinks it's because my doc kept me on Prednisolone (bronchial steroid) for too long :))

Because I am on Nebido for TRT (4 minute long injection) - she is the one who pins me every 4 weeks - she is also aware of the SubQ HCG injections that I do to keep my nuts a reasonable size....

When I cycle, I simply tell her I'm going to 'tweak' my TRT dose a little to give me more Test in my system, so when I gain a few lbs and lean up, she attributes the results to this - she is unaware of the other compounds that I'm nailing, and I intend to keep it that way. I 'might' contemplate telling her about the medicinal dose of deca for my joints at some stage, but not right now.

She's happy, she gets a stiff cock on tap, and a ripped 43yr old hubby to show off at functions :)

Other than my wife (and doc) - nobody knows!