A friend of mine was hiding it from hes family and when he had a bike accident he had a close call because none knows it and so doctors gave him some medication they should not in case the knew about hes steroid use. That happens years ago but i still remember..
So i was about to hide it but when i was researching and preparing for my first cycle i though "what if i have a car accident or something on cycle?" shouldnt someone from my family know it so he/she could let doctors known in case i cant at that moment so they could treat me best way possible? i was thinking of it for many days and then i decided to tell it to my sister at first because she and i have a better understanding into trust things , plus she has friends using roids years ago . So then i told my other sister and then two days before i told it to my mother too . LoL , im not telling everyone , in fact only my close family knows , the others should not and its not them business anyway. My mother was scared of this at first but i told her i know what im doing and shes ok with it as long as i know what im doing. She saw me changing my life years ago, alone without doctors help or whatever, when i went from 130+ kg @ 1,72 to 60-65kg no muscle and then put on muscle to 75kg (after some bulk + cut x repeat) and being pretty healthy so she got no problem trust me do whatever i want.
Well ok im 25 lol .. im not a kid or whatever but parents often see us as kids lol ...
But its really easier to be open on ur people , keep stuff on fridge (hcg for example) without have to hide it
Tell me about ur situation
(sorry for my english , im working on it
So i was about to hide it but when i was researching and preparing for my first cycle i though "what if i have a car accident or something on cycle?" shouldnt someone from my family know it so he/she could let doctors known in case i cant at that moment so they could treat me best way possible? i was thinking of it for many days and then i decided to tell it to my sister at first because she and i have a better understanding into trust things , plus she has friends using roids years ago . So then i told my other sister and then two days before i told it to my mother too . LoL , im not telling everyone , in fact only my close family knows , the others should not and its not them business anyway. My mother was scared of this at first but i told her i know what im doing and shes ok with it as long as i know what im doing. She saw me changing my life years ago, alone without doctors help or whatever, when i went from 130+ kg @ 1,72 to 60-65kg no muscle and then put on muscle to 75kg (after some bulk + cut x repeat) and being pretty healthy so she got no problem trust me do whatever i want.
Well ok im 25 lol .. im not a kid or whatever but parents often see us as kids lol ...
But its really easier to be open on ur people , keep stuff on fridge (hcg for example) without have to hide it
Tell me about ur situation

(sorry for my english , im working on it

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