do you like rugby?


New member
does anyone play/watch rugby football around here?

PS if you don't know what rugby is, well, it's the greatest game ever invented, and i do mean EVER.
I do love Rugby but not the rugby your talking about. Rugby league is by far the greatest game with Rugby Union a distant 2nd..
rugby IS without a doubt the best sport in the world :) i played a few years in High School, then went on to play super league and got hurt :( so i havnt played in like a year and a half and i miss it! its soooo much fun :)
hi woot, great to hear from you.
i was beginning to think nobody on this board even heard of it.
rugby rules!:wink2:

how big is rugby in the us?
how old r u?
what position did you play bro and how did you get hurt?
rugby is small because it requires so much athletic ability they cant televise it :D hehe... no time for commercials becuase of continuous play =/ im 20 years old and i played prop. im 6'3" and about 265ish

I hurt myself by doing too many scrums i guess you could say lol... basicallly over the years, i had been compensating for all of the pressure on my back by tilting it a lil bit, totally not a good idea :( so one day, i went to the chiropractor for my weekly alignment, and he was like "uh oh". what had happened was that because of my years of compensating with literally thousands of pounds of pressure running through my back, my spine became shaped like a backwards C. it was pinching alll of the nerves on the left side of my body, affecting me in a lotta ways, like there was a 2 degree difference in body temp on my right and left sides.. i was messed up... a solid good hit could cause my spine to contract, severing some of the nerves.. killing me or paralyzing me :( so i got outta that game real fast, and went into 6 months of rehab to get better :)) so im all better now :D
hi woot, glad you're all better now bro.sounds as if it was quite serious.
over here in south africa rugby is the national sport.every weekend there are at least 6/7 televised matches.right now it's the 9thweek of the Super 12 championship.(tournament of the biggest 12 clubs from southafrica, australia and new zealand.)it's massive and for the first time in 5years 3 out of the 4 leading teams are south african.

you are pretty tall for a prop dude, you could have easily been lock or loose forward but i suppose they put you there cause of your strength.

it is a dangerous sport though, just two weeks ago south africa hosted the under19 world championships.a player from ireland died right on the field after a hard tackle.the irish team quit the tournament but they still haven't clarified the cause of death.

i used to play till last year in high school but the summer after i finished school i busted my knee.i spent most my time in the gym and fell in love with it.never went back to playing rugby but i still love it, best game in the world!!

i think there are a couple of guys who were born in south africa that play for the u.s. eagles but i can't remember their names.

oh yeah, btw, why did you choose rugby and not play football? (you're a big guy)
i chose rugby because of the commrodary (sp?) the friends you make, and its just so much more fun plus i love getting the ball and running people over :D when you play a team and then go out with them for the night, that is just the best to me :) its a lot less competative than football at my school, people were always yelling and discouraging ya durin football, but in rugby everything was just so much better ;)
my coach in high school played for south africa, his name is cornell, he was on the A-side of the springboks i believe. the team i played for in chicago, (the chicago lions) had 3 guys that were on teh eagles... i think one of them was south african....
i know what you mean about the cammeraderie(sp?).
although i watch football on espn i've never played but imo it seems that because a rugby match is so fluid and fast, no t-outs, it is more of a team sport, every body has got to pull his weight for 80 minutes.
the team spirit is just awesome.
exactly :) football players may be a lil bit stronger, but they dont have near the endurance nor stamina of a rugby player :) i was running 6-8 miles a game, plus al the tackling, srums, rucks and mauls that are involved, its the best workout ever :)... and we were playin for the michigan cup in high shcool... first year rugby was offered in my area, so me and a buncha football buddies of mine joined up, and we went down to the michigan cup, we had 3 games in one day.. that was tough.. LOL!!! and get this... we were playin and the ref blew his whistle to stop play, and he came over to talk to my coaches and my team, and the other team requested that we not be so rough because we were hurting the players :D our coach was like "f*ck off! this is rugby!" and we continued to pummel them :D
w00t said:
and get this... we were playin and the ref blew his whistle to stop play, and he came over to talk to my coaches and my team, and the other team requested that we not be so rough because we were hurting the players :D our coach was like "f*ck off! this is rugby!" and we continued to pummel them :D

LMAO:laugh3: :laugh3:

i read another of your posts bro, about you getting hit in the face w/ a dvd player.that is unreal!!
how are you keeping? can you eat yet?

i broke my jaw a couple of years ago, they had to insert metal screws on both sides.really hectic surgery.i couldn't eat for a couple of months, my mouth was wired shut.for the first 5 weeks i was losing so much weight it was crazy but then i started to drink shakes, not just protein or mrp but anything.meat, fruit, veggies, just blended it first it was too gross but i got used to it and stopped the rapid weight loss.
i know how it feels bro:freak:
just to put my 2c in:
if i could've sued for my jaw i would've, i went through intense discomfort just as i believe you must be going thru.don't take it lying down my rugbyloving friend, that's all i wanted to say.(although it's not really my place to have said it)

hope you are getting better quickly bro :elephant:
Rugby fucking rocks. I played all the way through high school. I was left prop in the scrum. I used to levels guys. In grade 11 I was 200lbs at 5'10''. I could squat about 300+lbs. I would ram my head into the scrum and demolish guys. Its a rough sport. I have many scars to proove it.
Roolps said:
LMAO:laugh3: :laugh3:

i read another of your posts bro, about you getting hit in the face w/ a dvd player.that is unreal!!
how are you keeping? can you eat yet?

i broke my jaw a couple of years ago, they had to insert metal screws on both sides.really hectic surgery.i couldn't eat for a couple of months, my mouth was wired shut.for the first 5 weeks i was losing so much weight it was crazy but then i started to drink shakes, not just protein or mrp but anything.meat, fruit, veggies, just blended it first it was too gross but i got used to it and stopped the rapid weight loss.
i know how it feels bro:freak:
just to put my 2c in:
if i could've sued for my jaw i would've, i went through intense discomfort just as i believe you must be going thru.don't take it lying down my rugbyloving friend, that's all i wanted to say.(although it's not really my place to have said it)

hope you are getting better quickly bro :elephant:

lol yea... it definatly sux not being able to eat really :( but im dealin... and im definatly not taking this lying down :) two people have been fired allready because of my situation :)
pipes said:
Rugby fucking rocks. I played all the way through high school. I was left prop in the scrum. I used to levels guys. In grade 11 I was 200lbs at 5'10''. I could squat about 300+lbs. I would ram my head into the scrum and demolish guys. Its a rough sport. I have many scars to proove it.

yea rugby is great :) ive leveld a few guys in my day as well :) and i too have scars all over my legs from being cleated :p
The first time I ever met a girl that played rugby..
instead of shaking my hand, she picked me up around the waist and started shaking me! No lie.

Those ladies are tough!
yes they are! lol... but they are a blast to party with :) some of them tend to be on the wild side ;) lol... some of them are hot too :D the great thing is... if you play rugby, and you meet another person who plays you are automatically friends! (works good with the girls teams :D the backs can be quite fine :D lol)
I've never played but i love watching, and I would love to play someday, but i think those days have passed me by. This old body just can't take that shit anymore. Being 23 just ain't what it's crackedc up to be.
23??!?!?!!? your not even at your prime yet :D youd love playin rugby, and im sure that you would do awesome :D
I don't want to get hurt though. There are a lot of other sports i can play that i probably won't get my head busted open while playing.