Do you need caber with tren ??


New member
Hi everyone,

About to start :
Test- E 500mg a week
Tren Ace 300mg a week

I have Adex and waiting on Caber because it's a nor19.

I've always had puffy nipples since school,I've been using aas on an off for 2 years,the puffy nipples have always semi been there,I did get lumps (gyno) but it went away when I upped adex ages ago and then I come off.. About 1.5 years ago I could pinch my nipple and the finest finest dot of fluid would come out.. Does this mean most likely prolactin ? So I'm thinking I've got it because my nipples still look a tad puffy an watery an soft... There not sensitive atall like most gyno people go on about..they just look watery like there's fluid stuck around them..when it's cold and nipples go hard you can't tell or see anything... But I'm thinking I have a tiny bit of prolactin.. So I'm gonna get some caber.

What dose do you run caber at ? Along side arimidex ? If I run caber does my arimidex drop or what ?

Please help help help !!
Whether you will need the Caber or not depends on how well you manage your estradiol on cycle.
If you keep estradiol in range, then you won't need it.

But ALWAYS have it on hand, for the simple reason that your AI might be underdosed or bunk and unwittingly your estrogen levels are rising, even though you think you have it all under control.
I'm finding it nearly impossible to get hold of,can someone message me a reliable source online or something where I can buy caber from ????