Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

I'm not a huge fan of lunges but they can serve a purpose. I've only done a couple workouts with box squats so dot know how much help they are but my gym has a box that's a perfect height for me, just below parallel.

I really don't like lunges myself either, they'r f*n hard lol
I might even swap out hack squats for paused front squats. It's all about finding lifts that build on your weaknesses in the main 4.

I used to go to drinking as a coping mechanism but other stuff has always been my favorite lol. Haven't drank heavy since '08 (crazy experience at my cousin's wedding haha). Any other things that can take the place of drinking for you?

Drinking is probably safer than any alternative I'd be interested in.

308Power is of the opinion that rack pulls will really only help with grip bc the upper half of dears is not where most fail. Power cleans have helped me a bit with this by adding power to pulling off the floor. Deficit deads would help but back health has to be accounted for.

308's a strong guy for sure and his opinion is valued.
I'm thinking that the rack pulls would be good to acclimate yourself to moving heavier weight.
It's an Paul Anderson technique, overload by a large margin then work on establishing full ROM.

Deficits just make me nervous, my spine is teh suck anyway I'd hate to wind up in a wheelchair sooner than I have to.
For the past few months I've been pushing my gym owner to get a glute ham raise device.
He's been reluctant since a good one is rather expensive and bulky. Get me my GHR dammit!
I really don't like lunges myself either, they'r f*n hard lol
I might even swap out hack squats for paused front squats. It's all about finding lifts that build on your weaknesses in the main 4.

Drinking is probably safer than any alternative I'd be interested in.

308's a strong guy for sure and his opinion is valued.
I'm thinking that the rack pulls would be good to acclimate yourself to moving heavier weight.
It's an Paul Anderson technique, overload by a large margin then work on establishing full ROM.

Deficits just make me nervous, my spine is teh suck anyway I'd hate to wind up in a wheelchair sooner than I have to.
For the past few months I've been pushing my gym owner to get a glute ham raise device.
He's been reluctant since a good one is rather expensive and bulky. Get me my GHR dammit!

Box squats, front squats, overhead squats, low bar back squat, high bar back squat, paused squats, squats with bands or chains, dynamic squats, split squats, etc. so may options to choose from hahaha.

You're talking about Russian Roulette instead of drinking hahaha?

Riposte recommends going to partials (rack pulls and deficit deads) when recovery with full ROM deads become an issue so there is something behind them. I would love to has a ghr at my gym but normal hyperextensions will have to suffice for now.
Hahaha goddamn. I don't chew that much so I just use little water bottles. I have one at home, one at work, and one in my truck so it takes a while for me to fill them Up. I do have two on my desk here right now though. I couldn't imagine being married right now... but good for you guys, at least you've made it!! LOL I think people cared less back then. It wasn't as big of a deal as it is now.

THat's crazy, I guess you would have something huge in common though. People devote their lives to that fuckin game.

Tell me how you found her and I will literally suck you dick if we ever meet IRL.
Just friends of friends man lol. But yeah, the nerds that get married from games tend to have a TON in common. It's kind of weird, but neat at the same time.

Yup usually protein and a low glycemic index carb, or just a carb, depending on what I have. A sandwich with way more meat than bread followed by muscle milk is usually pretty good, so are boiled eggs. All carbs/Hi GI carbs and I crash hard way before I'm done.
Okay, I see what you're saying. I was figuring you were talking like a pure protein meal before you head to the gym. Man, I bet you're a fart machine though!

This is partly why I think docs have had such a hard time getting me on a right track.
They look at my bloods and get conflicting information.
Scratch their heads with a WTF sort of look on their face, refill my script and send me on my way.
It is strange to say the least. Makes me wonder if your androgen receptors are getting enough hormone to give you the benefits. Sounds like you still have many of the low-T symptoms; I'm betting a blast is going to change your life for the better. It did for me at least. :)

Internet high-5 for benching with it!

People look at me weird when I get the big arch and bench with a belt.
FFS people, it's amazing you should probably try it if you value your lift numbers and shoulder health.

Today is SQUATS, too bad I'm still stuck on de-load.
The max weight I get to use is a paltry 250 AMRAP.
I'll be there all night unless the pumps take me out of the game, again.

Sorry, I know where you guys are coming from with the belts and all, but I used to make fun of guys that wore belts benching. Only way I'd change my mind is if you got 308power in here and get him to say he wears a belt doing bench. I know why it's done, but arching your back so you can lift extra weight by changing the angle of attack just seems cheap to me unless you're in a PL meet. :p
Sorry, I know where you guys are coming from with the belts and all, but I used to make fun of guys that wore belts benching. Only way I'd change my mind is if you got 308power in here and get him to say he wears a belt doing bench. I know why it's done, but arching your back so you can lift extra weight by changing the angle of attack just seems cheap to me unless you're in a PL meet. :p

The arch is just a way to exploit your mechanical leverages, isn't that the name of the game for any proper form?
Do you feel the same way about equipped lifting, knee wraps, suits and shirts?

I wear my belt when doing everything, it may not be engaged but it's on.
To each their own.

It is strange to say the least. Makes me wonder if your androgen receptors are getting enough hormone to give you the benefits. Sounds like you still have many of the low-T symptoms; I'm betting a blast is going to change your life for the better. It did for me at least.
I'll be exploring a blast here pretty soon.
I just refilled my script and was planning on using the rest of my sauce in one go to empty the bottle.
It's only about 1mL maaaybe a little bit more so it's not a huge dose by any means but it's still at least 4x more than what I normally take in one go.
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Just friends of friends man lol. But yeah, the nerds that get married from games tend to have a TON in common. It's kind of weird, but neat at the same time.

Okay, I see what you're saying. I was figuring you were talking like a pure protein meal before you head to the gym. Man, I bet you're a fart machine though!

It is strange to say the least. Makes me wonder if your androgen receptors are getting enough hormone to give you the benefits. Sounds like you still have many of the low-T symptoms; I'm betting a blast is going to change your life for the better. It did for me at least. :)

Sorry, I know where you guys are coming from with the belts and all, but I used to make fun of guys that wore belts benching. Only way I'd change my mind is if you got 308power in here and get him to say he wears a belt doing bench. I know why it's done, but arching your back so you can lift extra weight by changing the angle of attack just seems cheap to me unless you're in a PL meet. :p

There's a difference between arching your back and bridging your back. The former is fine the latter is not
Can't believe the peer presser got to you, look what you've become cap. It's sad, that's someone's mom. You should be ashamed!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha

Only joking get a better pic next time

It's someone's mom, and wife... that I would pay money to fuck. LOL.

I will try. Her husband has been showing her how to "workout" lately so they're always together. She would be better off with one of those commercial gym trainers cause this guy has no idea what he's doing.
It's someone's mom, and wife... that I would pay money to fuck. LOL.

I will try. Her husband has been showing her how to "workout" lately so they're always together. She would be better off with one of those commercial gym trainers cause this guy has no idea what he's doing.

You should "slide yourself into" that gym trainer position ;)
What do you mean stronger arch? You mean more defined?

Yes. Like I arch my back harder when using barbell. DB I have a little arch, but mostly just pin my shoulders back and drive them into the bench. TBH I fucking hate flat BB bench, but I'm going to keep doing it as a strength movement for a while at least.
Yes. Like I arch my back harder when using barbell. DB I have a little arch, but mostly just pin my shoulders back and drive them into the bench. TBH I fucking hate flat BB bench, but I'm going to keep doing it as a strength movement for a while at least.

I'll make you arch it ;)