Waiting to die.
I'm not a huge fan of lunges but they can serve a purpose. I've only done a couple workouts with box squats so dot know how much help they are but my gym has a box that's a perfect height for me, just below parallel.
I really don't like lunges myself either, they'r f*n hard lol
I might even swap out hack squats for paused front squats. It's all about finding lifts that build on your weaknesses in the main 4.
I used to go to drinking as a coping mechanism but other stuff has always been my favorite lol. Haven't drank heavy since '08 (crazy experience at my cousin's wedding haha). Any other things that can take the place of drinking for you?
Drinking is probably safer than any alternative I'd be interested in.
308Power is of the opinion that rack pulls will really only help with grip bc the upper half of dears is not where most fail. Power cleans have helped me a bit with this by adding power to pulling off the floor. Deficit deads would help but back health has to be accounted for.
308's a strong guy for sure and his opinion is valued.
I'm thinking that the rack pulls would be good to acclimate yourself to moving heavier weight.
It's an Paul Anderson technique, overload by a large margin then work on establishing full ROM.
Deficits just make me nervous, my spine is teh suck anyway I'd hate to wind up in a wheelchair sooner than I have to.
For the past few months I've been pushing my gym owner to get a glute ham raise device.
He's been reluctant since a good one is rather expensive and bulky. Get me my GHR dammit!