Can't believe the peer presser got to you, look what you've become cap. It's sad, that's someone's mom. You should be ashamed!!! HahahahahahahahahahahaI give you, attempt one at creeper pic. I have a tweak for my phone where I can take pics with the volume button so I tried to snag one as I walked by... not the best, but you get the idea. THERE WILL BE MORE. Again, idk why they turn sideways once I save them.
View attachment 553874
Morning people!
No kidding. Like, that shouldn't be even possible for your body to do that. Without a negative feedback loop, your testes would explode!
Morning brothers
Avido: squats 3x5, bench press 3x5, and power cleans 5x3. Skipped accessory work, I was having trouble breathing right and fatigued quickly. Got to work up to it and DOMS hit like a mofo lol aka I feel GREAT!
Very cool.
You've squatted in the belt before haven't you? If I remember right you were looking forward to trying it on deads next?
Did you try it for bench?
Yes I've squatted in it before. Dreads will be Thursday! Excited lol. Did not use it on bench last night but did 2wks ago. Def helps there too
Internet high-5 for benching with it!
People look at me weird when I get the big arch and bench with a belt.
FFS people, it's amazing you should probably try it if you value your lift numbers and shoulder health.
Today is SQUATS, too bad I'm still stuck on de-load.
The max weight I get to use is a paltry 250 AMRAP.
I'll be there all night unless the pumps take me out of the game, again.
I got the same looks benching with the belt last time lol. How long is your deload? This going on wk 2, no?
My de-load is 4 training days long which, since I train for 3 days/week is 1.3 weeks long just about.
I really want to get the the gym more often but this second job pays me too much to quit. lol
Starting next week I'm going to mix up the accessory movements on my program.
I've been using the same movements for a few mesocycles now and it's time for a change.
Going to start lunging instead of hack squats I think. I'm not sure what to do with the rest yet.
Eating as little as I do and drinking as much as I do is really putting the squash on my progress :/
If I were drinking regular soda with my vodka I would be drinking more calories than I eat.
I gotta get out of this hole I'm in.
Still shorter than my "deload" lol. What about front squats or box squats?
Soda def piles on the calories. I usually drink water. My smoking habits make up for my lack of drinking lol. Mental rut?
I still havn't decided what to do for accessories yet.
I want to lunge again but front paused squats are probably a good idea.
Box squats don't do much for me, the boxes at the gym are too high for me making it more of a partial than anything. A lot of my training has been glute/ham related these days to try to bring up my sumo deadlift.
I have been under a ton of stress for the past several months that has been eating me up inside, this is my terrible coping mechanism.
IIFYM bruh, 0 calorie caffeine free coke and VODKA.
Oh, wait, perfect substitution on deadlift day, heavy ass rack pulls to get the CNS adjusted for heavier weight than I'm currently pulling from the floor. Deficit deads are not something that interests me (bad back as it is)