I honestly have 3 full 2-liters of spit and dip on my desk at home. I normally chuck em once they're full, but I do get lazy on occasion. As this has been an exam week, I've filled two of them in a matter of days.

I'm 37, but yes - we married quite young. I was almost 20 at the time. But then again, I partied and did a lot of things I shouldn't have as a young teen. I hung out with the crowd that went to bars and strip clubs with fake ID's at the age of 16. I still have no idea how those worked given that I can spot a minor a MILE away now. Good times.
I know two couples that met in WoW and are still married. I also know a couple that got a divorce because of WoW, which led to them each marryinn someone else from the game. Damn nerds and online relationships.
Jade Marie Baird. What do I win??!