Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

I give you, attempt one at creeper pic. I have a tweak for my phone where I can take pics with the volume button so I tried to snag one as I walked by... not the best, but you get the idea. THERE WILL BE MORE. Again, idk why they turn sideways once I save them.

View attachment 553874
Yeah, I'm a diabetic - I understand. That's why you choose fiber rich sources of carbs. Proteins and fats are great and all, but I can't see those lasting you throughout a session. Have you tried loading up on complex carbs instead like pasta/brown rice/red potatoes? Don't get me wrong, getting enough proteins and fats are important, but you're the first I've met that prefers them over carbs as a fuel source for the gym. :agreed:

Hahaha. Niiiiiiiiiiice. Just your body saying, "WELCOME BACK BITCHES!" :D

My body is saying it in spades. I'm taking a break from pre-workout stims too seeing if it helps me sleep better.
Yeah, I'm a diabetic - I understand. That's why you choose fiber rich sources of carbs. Proteins and fats are great and all, but I can't see those lasting you throughout a session. Have you tried loading up on complex carbs instead like pasta/brown rice/red potatoes? Don't get me wrong, getting enough proteins and fats are important, but you're the first I've met that prefers them over carbs as a fuel source for the gym. :agreed:

Yup usually protein and a low glycemic index carb, or just a carb, depending on what I have. A sandwich with way more meat than bread followed by muscle milk is usually pretty good, so are boiled eggs. All carbs/Hi GI carbs and I crash hard way before I'm done.
Yup usually protein and a low glycemic index carb, or just a carb, depending on what I have. A sandwich with way more meat than bread followed by muscle milk is usually pretty good, so are boiled eggs. All carbs/Hi GI carbs and I crash hard way before I'm done.

It's probably due to your insulin sensitivity or the way you're processing the carbs. I'm more in the middle and can lift fasted or unfasted, high protein or low protein, high carb low carb, whatever I want to do doesn't change much in the way of the gym for me. So long as I get in calories for recovery.
I honestly have 3 full 2-liters of spit and dip on my desk at home. I normally chuck em once they're full, but I do get lazy on occasion. As this has been an exam week, I've filled two of them in a matter of days. :spin: I'm 37, but yes - we married quite young. I was almost 20 at the time. But then again, I partied and did a lot of things I shouldn't have as a young teen. I hung out with the crowd that went to bars and strip clubs with fake ID's at the age of 16. I still have no idea how those worked given that I can spot a minor a MILE away now. Good times. :D

I know two couples that met in WoW and are still married. I also know a couple that got a divorce because of WoW, which led to them each marryinn someone else from the game. Damn nerds and online relationships. :p

Jade Marie Baird. What do I win??!

Hahaha goddamn. I don't chew that much so I just use little water bottles. I have one at home, one at work, and one in my truck so it takes a while for me to fill them Up. I do have two on my desk here right now though. I couldn't imagine being married right now... but good for you guys, at least you've made it!! LOL I think people cared less back then. It wasn't as big of a deal as it is now.

THat's crazy, I guess you would have something huge in common though. People devote their lives to that fuckin game.

Tell me how you found her and I will literally suck you dick if we ever meet IRL.
Power starts from your base and feet. Make sure your shins are perpendicular to the floor, feet planted flat. Tighten your whole lower body and clamp your hams and glute tight. Same with your core. Put your hands on the bar (use a closed grip not the open grip) and place the bar on the heel of your palm. Keep your elbows about 45degress bet yen your shoulders and obliques and adjust to suit your needs. The closer to your sides the more stable you'll find it. Things to bend the bar in half when gripping it and pressing. As soon as you touch your chest drive drive drive the bar up (if you're not doing PL'ing no need to practice the pause at the bottom). Take as deep a breath before your first rep as you can and try and hold it for the whole set or take as few breaths as possible during a set. Stare at one spot on the ceiling and try and keep the bar path in accordance with this imaginary line (the bar should end up right where your eyes are looking at the ceiling. Work on your weak spots: off the bottom work your lats and traps, in the middle work traps and pecs, up top work triceps. Try and keep the bar's plane of motion in a straight line. No back and forth movement since it ruins efficiency.

I love you. Will be using this for sure.