Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

I was going to double train today but my body is completely shot. It'll have to wait till tomorrow.
By the way, I just want to check something with the group here. In any other thread we flame guys for being to young, but we are all on board with Cap cycling right?
By the way, I just want to check something with the group here. In any other thread we flame guys for being to young, but we are all on board with Cap cycling right?

I'd rather him cycle than do PHs lol
At least he'll have a test base
Idk if I'm going to be cycling as soon I was hoping anyways with the possible move and all. Last thing I was is to blow all my money on gear, quit my job, and be in the middle of a 6 hour drive move.
K Wtf are back pumps exactly? Supposedly Anavar (var) causes.em pretty bad too

The best I can explain is... have you ever drank to the point that your kidneys hurt, or held your piss so long your kidneys literally hurt? It kinda feels like that. Like your liver and kidneys feel swollen to the point your lower back literally aches all the time. It was so bad at first I couldn't squat or deadlift. I made no progress on either lift during my cycle. Taurine helped... eventually. I'm honestly not sure what causes it but it's like someone beat the shit out of your lower back.
Yeah, I'm catching up on posts, didn't expect the thread to move that fast today in the last 4 hours. :p

I'm about to make the 5 minute drive home and take a real nap haha.
Just got home and so want to crash. :( BUT NOPE, retarded bitch prof assigned MORE goddamn online homework. Because 12 hours homework for a 3 credit course wasn't enough. :mad: Looks like I'm going to be up till midnight again. :crying:

That was my thought too, I'm actually looking forward to coming up hypo again on my bloods later this year.
That'll allow me to finally for the first time in my life, break away from this 200mg e14d total dosing.
I want to see if I can bump up the date of my tests because I feel like it's too far out, December sometime.
Yeah, I totally don't blame you at all. Definitely a patience game, that's for sure!

Half, I want to take some of your advice and pick up some DHEA.
What dosing do you suggest?

Is there a saturation period where you'd need to dose higher?
There really isn't a TON of information out there on DHEA supplementation, but I've found that just taking 100mg ED has made a small difference in about a week or so of it building up to appreciable levels in the blood. I didn't load or anything, and I'm not sure it's needed to be honest.

I'm pulling my hair out!
OH MY GAWD. AAS makes you bald in more ways than one! :D