Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

I just go anyway to the gym.

Might have some tires for you. Pretty sure I can find 33's and possibly 35's. As for a car, my cousin has a dealer license and can get cars from auctions. He's selling cars from his place at the moment lol.

You really are a superhero Doc lol.

Does he deal with CHEAP cars?
I'm going to cheap out on this and try to spend under 2000, I just bought a house and all.
Hi Frank!

I'm working on the caffeine part of things but there seems to be deminishing returns.
"Overdose" on the stuff and I can't train worth a shit.

Between the clen and the caffeine, I think my heart is going to explode.

Lol pre workout Dbol tabs then? Haha

Nahh I just force myself to go...or find something that pisses me off then I HAVE tobow off steam. I swear I'd be a mental patient if I didn't work out. Keeps me sane...