Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Well, the original video that started all of this had Bebe, Rumpy and Itty Bitty in it, but sadly it's an old video and Itty Bitty is the only one of the three still with us. We still have Rumpy's brother, Beebers, and Nudles brother Rufus, we have a rescue cat name Slunky, and a few more, but if I name them all then you'd know how many.
No, that was Nurdles, and he's not supposed to be in the front yard anyways. Slunky and Pingu, the two rescue cats are the only ones that are allowed out of the fenced yard. Poor Nurds hopped the fence and got treed by two dogs, then did it again and went missing for a day. He hasn't been out since.