Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Yeah, your lips start to stretch out (they do return to normal elasticity over time) so you can put bigger and bigger dips in at a time. I get three dips from a can, and take 4-5 a day. :worried:

Agreed. My mind was blown when I realized what the risk vs reward was when it comes to AAS. The retarded thing is, it's the LEGALITY of it that makes it risky more than anything. :mad:

Hahaha damn man! I usually take fairly small dips. Especially at work. Don't want someone walking in when I have a fat chaw in my mouth nomsayin?

I think the legality issue is the risk with the majority of drugs. Sure there's all kinds of bad long term use effects, but in reality most drugs aren't as bad as they're portrayed to be.









It's getting cold here too. It's almost too cold to work in my undies, I might need to find some jammy pants
Suck it up and double up the pre-workout lol

Hi Frank!

I'm working on the caffeine part of things but there seems to be deminishing returns.
"Overdose" on the stuff and I can't train worth a shit.

Between the clen and the caffeine, I think my heart is going to explode.
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I take a nap, but then that's my answer for everything. The cats taught me that

There must be something to it, they're always so relaxed looking.
Cats have the whole "the Dude" thing going on.

Unless of course, your cat is an asshole.
Then they're just assholes.
I just go anyway to the gym.

Might have some tires for you. Pretty sure I can find 33's and possibly 35's. As for a car, my cousin has a dealer license and can get cars from auctions. He's selling cars from his place at the moment lol.