Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Yes, I do keep a log - but it's mostly the same as when not blasting. It's my workout routine such as weight/reps/sets and anything that I feel I should take note of like shoulder pain on set 3 of chest press. I also keep a diet log, but as I'm still following what 3J has laid out for me, it's not as impressive as my little "black book" everyone eyes in the gym that I'm scribbling into in-between sets.

I do also have a notepad on my desktop of my computer that keeps dates like when I need to order more testosterone from the pharmacy as I tend to run UGL stuff until it's out and then hit the pharma stuff. I'll usually have a good 2 vials of pharma ready when I'm done with my blast. :)

What happened to MS?

His findings were similar to IH2K12 except he got his gear. He ran 225mg more than me per week bluet had serum levels 500ng/dL lower than me.
Meh, time to head off to class for the afternoon. I keep spamming my email inbox waiting for those lab results so I can be impressed with my crazy high estrogen (hope not) and wonky ALT/AST values (hope not too) with that monster 15000ng/dL serum level! (not likely from a gram, but I certainly hope so!) :D

Talk at you fine gentlemen tonight. :)
Okay, I lied - time to do one more reply! :p

Damn, that's what I was afraid of.
I have a mild case of apnea that doesn't allow me to sleep on my back at all.
Spending several hours on end in the same position lying on my stomach year after year has left me with some postural problems.

I hate the thought of having to strap myself into the matrix every night just to sleep.
Get a sleep study brother. It's a LIFE-CHANGER. I stop breathing approximately every 45 seconds to 3 minutes, which would wake me up. As your body uses adrenaline to wake you, your cortisol levels go apeshit over time. You're going to find that you need to sleep a TON for a few weeks after you start CPAP therapy (it's not THAT bad), but that's just the body catching up and repairing all that damage. ;)

His findings were similar to IH2K12 except he got his gear. He ran 225mg more than me per week bluet had serum levels 500ng/dL lower than me.
I'd need to see his lab results, but the problem with comparing to others is that we all metabolize differently. Just on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) alone, I require twice the dose most do just to break 900ng/dL. Being overweight (don't know if he is) also is a big factor; as I've lost over 150lbs total since starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), my levels have come up significantly on the same dose. Free test has come up even more, which makes that go-juice so much better put to use in the gym too. :D
Get a sleep study brother. It's a LIFE-CHANGER. I stop breathing approximately every 45 seconds to 3 minutes, which would wake me up. As your body uses adrenaline to wake you, your cortisol levels go apeshit over time. You're going to find that you need to sleep a TON for a few weeks after you start CPAP therapy (it's not THAT bad), but that's just the body catching up and repairing all that damage. ;)

I didn't do a full on sleep study but I did do a preliminary study.
It was a little monitor that used a nasal cannula instead of the Bane mask.
That's when I learned of my apnea but I could barely sleep with just that little bit of gear on my head.
My girl hated it and I felt like I was about 100 years old on oxygen.
New guy with a few posts screams scammer on the boards because he didn't get his stuff in 2 days. Don't get me wrong, I do know that there have been scammers here before; but I'd have to see more info before taking someone's side on a sponsor just flat-out taking someone's money and fucking them. I see it all the time with pinn threads and I've sent them several thousand dollars over the last two years...

Yeah, I PM'd him and asked how long it's actually been. Either way, they shouldn't have deleted the thread.
I'd need to see his lab results, but the problem with comparing to others is that we all metabolize differently. Just on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) alone, I require twice the dose most do just to break 900ng/dL. Being overweight (don't know if he is) also is a big factor; as I've lost over 150lbs total since starting TRT, my levels have come up significantly on the same dose. Free test has come up even more, which makes that go-juice so much better put to use in the gym too. :D

Sweet jesus you've almost lost a full-sized Cap!!
IW2012 claims to be an ooold member of 'ology who's account got locked out or deleted.

I kind of buy that bc he mentions Kane the mod who rarely posts on here so it's not like he came across his posts everywhere and was like "this is the guy ill name drop to get them to believe me" lol
My turn:





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