Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

So it sounds like IH2012 just got straight ripped off. Never even rec'd his order. Anyone notice how PSL popped up and they had Mike and all those folks promoting them, and now ALL those people are gone?

Moved on to the next board probably. But they're 'sponsors' bro
It will be a wake-up call for sure.
My concern is that because they're the instant gratification easy way out crowd, public assistance will be the preferred method of income. Or drugs, I hear those are pretty lucrative and in high demand. Why work for something when they can sit at home and collect?

I hope I'm wrong.
I hope so too, for the sake of our country. ;)

The other concern is that innovation in the US is stagnating.
Rules, regulations, taxes etc have pigeon holed what can be done as a new business unless you're already filthy rich. Nobody has any drive to start their own business anymore or even to develop an already established yet failing business. People just want money through as little effort as possible.
That leaves people looking for "jobs".

Cripes I hope getting my T levels to normal improves my mood a little.
I don't like being a winy bitch.
Even worse, the direction of innovation has moved towards patent law and money management, which often leads into grey areas or flat-out breaking the law to get rich very quickly at the expense of others. It's no secret that MIT and other top notch schools are churning out more bankers/analysts than ever. Why go be an engineer/physicist making 6 figures when you can be an analyst for a hedge fund that sees bonuses that large on top of a 7 figure salary. :p

Man, I just got paid and almost half of my check has to go to bills. My next check, same thing. How do people get ahead in life?
Short answer: Break the law or get lucky.
Shorter answer: You can't.
Shady shit goin on round here man. Luckily I got a screen shot of it this time :)
New guy with a few posts screams scammer on the boards because he didn't get his stuff in 2 days. Don't get me wrong, I do know that there have been scammers here before; but I'd have to see more info before taking someone's side on a sponsor just flat-out taking someone's money and fucking them. I see it all the time with pinn threads and I've sent them several thousand dollars over the last two years...
Heres a question for ya' Half:
While you're running an AAS cycle, do you keep a log?
If so, what sort of things do you record?
New guy with a few posts screams scammer on the boards because he didn't get his stuff in 2 days. Don't get me wrong, I do know that there have been scammers here before; but I'd have to see more info before taking someone's side on a sponsor just flat-out taking someone's money and fucking them. I see it all the time with pinn threads and I've sent them several thousand dollars over the last two years...

What about Mad Scientist ;)?
Heres a question for ya' Half:
While you're running an AAS cycle, do you keep a log?
If so, what sort of things do you record?
Yes, I do keep a log - but it's mostly the same as when not blasting. It's my workout routine such as weight/reps/sets and anything that I feel I should take note of like shoulder pain on set 3 of chest press. I also keep a diet log, but as I'm still following what 3J has laid out for me, it's not as impressive as my little "black book" everyone eyes in the gym that I'm scribbling into in-between sets.

I do also have a notepad on my desktop of my computer that keeps dates like when I need to order more testosterone from the pharmacy as I tend to run UGL stuff until it's out and then hit the pharma stuff. I'll usually have a good 2 vials of pharma ready when I'm done with my blast. :)

What about Mad Scientist ;)?
What happened to MS?
Yes, I do keep a log - but it's mostly the same as when not blasting. It's my workout routine such as weight/reps/sets and anything that I feel I should take note of like shoulder pain on set 3 of chest press. I also keep a diet log, but as I'm still following what 3J has laid out for me, it's not as impressive as my little "black book" everyone eyes in the gym that I'm scribbling into in-between sets.

I do also have a notepad on my desktop of my computer that keeps dates like when I need to order more testosterone from the pharmacy as I tend to run UGL stuff until it's out and then hit the pharma stuff. I'll usually have a good 2 vials of pharma ready when I'm done with my blast. :)?

Ok, your log is very similar to mine then (insert turd joke here)
I wasn't sure if things like body temp, attitude, any noteworthy personality changes etc would be worthwhile to record.
Ok, your log is very similar to mine then (insert turd joke here)
I wasn't sure if things like body temp, attitude, any noteworthy personality changes etc would be worthwhile to record.

They might be if you're worried about not being able to handle sides or something. I'm really pretty mellow, so as long as I'm not slapped in the face (yeah, it's a trigger for instant rage - don't know why), or blatantly disrespected - I'm pretty cool on just about anything. I used to take body temp measurements before I started T3/albuterol cycles to make sure everything was working properly, but I pretty much can tell when it's gtg by feel now.

I do however take note when I'm gassed really early in the gym or just have a very hard time finishing strong. I can then take that information and compare it to my diet log and see what may have caused it. It's usually a cheat meal that screws me, or getting less than 6 hours of sleep. I'm just one of those guys that seems to need a SOLID 7 hours or more to function properly. Don't know how I survived with apnea for so long tbh. :spin:
I have my Darth Vader mask (CPAP) I wear every night. It sucks getting used to at first, but I can't sleep without it now. Snoring wakes me up instantly for some reason.

Damn, that's what I was afraid of.
I have a mild case of apnea that doesn't allow me to sleep on my back at all.
Spending several hours on end in the same position lying on my stomach year after year has left me with some postural problems.

I hate the thought of having to strap myself into the matrix every night just to sleep.