Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Yeah, I still don't understand the point. I did notice most of them are old threads that stonecold had made some "great" comment on though.

Agree with the bold 100%. It seems like they're trying to drive off the knowledgable folks around here, much like they did to Austin, and say that the old mods/admins know SOOOO much more on these fuckin BS threads that literally no one cares about. Everyone of those posts, someone goes in there and tells whoever bumped it to fuck off lol.
Like I get if there's an old thread that has a unique topic where someone finds it off google and asks a pertinent question to get a dialog going. What I don't get are these pointless threads about stuff that is covered DAILY, but somehow because it was posted 10 years ago makes it magical. Don't get me wrong, there were some really knowledgeable folks here back then as I've spent some serious time reading the golden oldies, but I never felt compelled to bring the threads back to life.

I think it's kind of sad that the OP's of those threads had to wait almost ten years to get the help they needed
I've thought about that a few times haha.

Remind me later tonight to pm you the PM I got about that lol. I've said it before, if there was substance to a 10yr bump what the hell, go for it. But to bump it with comments like we've been seeing is annoying bc it moves the newer threads (the ones where people actually need the help) to the bottom and for me, if I don't see it in the first page generally, I'm not looking deeper to respond to old threads lol. So far I'm the only one who got the warning, maybe you guys can carry on my legacy :D
I'd love to see that. You and I have a very similar stance on the necro issue. ;)

Someone really posted that?? LOL. Halfwit is for sure. He's too knowledgeable to not be a mod.
<3 I can barely manage my time as it is - can't imagine having to baby sit on top of all that! :worried:

Hahaha, you instigator. :p
Like I get if there's an old thread that has a unique topic where someone finds it off google and asks a pertinent question to get a dialog going. What I don't get are these pointless threads about stuff that is covered DAILY, but somehow because it was posted 10 years ago makes it magical. Don't get me wrong, there were some really knowledgeable folks here back then as I've spent some serious time reading the golden oldies, but I never felt compelled to bring the threads back to life.

<3 I can barely manage my time as it is - can't imagine having to baby sit on top of all that! :worried:

I completely agree. Most of the bumped threads are complete BS threads though. I REALLY don't understand the point.

LOL the mods definitely have their work cut out for them here.









I learned something today.
Pinned 50mg test cyp in the morning and I'm not a winy bitch today!

Yep, definitely still hypo.