Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Indeed. He changed up his style a lot on the new album. More breakbeatish mellow stuff, but I still dig it. I think you're the only one that likes electronic music here lol.

You should check out Pretty Lights. He has some really good stuff too, and it's all free on his website. (I do donate as I respect artists that do it that way.)

One of his more "upbeat" remixes that I dig:
You should check out Pretty Lights. He has some really good stuff too, and it's all free on his website. (I do donate as I respect artists that do it that way.)

One of his more "upbeat" remixes that I dig:

Dude no shit I'm listening to "hot like sauce" right now lmao. I was totally gonna post it and say you should check out pretty lights. He has a few good tracks.

These guys are on his label. A little different but I dig 'em. Cool mellow tracks.
