Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

I like how you play along with my stupid comments instead of getting offended :D

I joke, a lot.

But seriously, I'm going to start eating again.
I'll be picking up some natty PB tonight and some cottage cheese.
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Heres an actual question for ya boss; have you ever had success getting someone with stretched skin to look like they're not wearing a skin blanket? Have they ever been able to have abs?

Do cases like that require a different diet to lessen the loose skin?

How does it work long-term; does the skin sag right out at the first sign of weigh gain? or is it a "once it's "gone" you put on weight differently" sort of thing?
Heres an actual question for ya boss; have you ever had success getting someone with stretched skin to look like they're not wearing a skin blanket? Have they ever been able to have abs?

Do cases like that require a different diet to lessen the loose skin?

How does it work long-term; does the skin sag right out at the first sign of weigh gain? or is it a "once it's "gone" you put on weight differently" sort of thing?

Are you seriously asking about abs? I thought we both agreed on getting beer bellies and lifting heavy the remote and tub of Teddie's PB?
Are you seriously asking about abs? I thought we both agreed on getting beer bellies and lifting heavy the remote and tub of Teddie's PB?

It was uh, for a friend ;)
I've got two remotes now so I need more de-load weeks.

This is my ideal physique:
Not particularly "lean", just f*n powerful.

All homo.
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So when I get my blood tests done after 3 weeks of TRT... the Test they will be checking will be the Total Testosterone... made up of just the Sustanon I injected... my own Test will have depleted?
Yes, your natural testosterone is likely loooooooong gone. I'm surprised they're doing results so soon, it's usually 4-6 weeks out, but at least that prop ester in the sustanon will show up for sure. :)

I suspect it would depend on what other levels you see on the results.
Half, if BB is still producing LH/FSH after 3 weeks on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), wouldn't there's be a chance he's still kicking out some test naturally?
He really shouldn't have any LH/FSH being produced at all by now. I think you see complete suppression after two weeks? It's pretty fast, I know that. Especially with the estrogen receptors blinking like Christmas trees. Now if he was in a similar situation to a certain gorilla I know, yes. I'm pretty sure that gorilla is producing a trace amount of endogenous testosterone, which is REALLY REALLY REALLY rare. :)

too many my friend.. too many

Okay, I'm heading back to the kitchen to make my rice and tuna for lunch. :worried:

It was uh, for a friend ;)
I've got two remotes now so I need more de-load weeks.

This is my ideal physique:
Not particularly "lean", just f*n powerful.

All homo.

He's actually pretty cut. The body hair just makes him seem like he has more body fat. I'd easily put him at 10%, maybe a smidge higher.
He really shouldn't have any LH/FSH being produced at all by now. I think you see complete suppression after two weeks? It's pretty fast, I know that. Especially with the estrogen receptors blinking like Christmas trees. Now if he was in a similar situation to a certain gorilla I know, yes. I'm pretty sure that gorilla is producing a trace amount of endogenous testosterone, which is REALLY REALLY REALLY rare. :)

Wouldn't FSH/LH be an indicator of whether or not he's still producing though?
I agree that if he's not producing, both should be at or near zero.

Damned gorillas defying science.
I'm making progress getting some sort of diagnostic work for them at least.

He's actually pretty cut. The body hair just makes him seem like he has more body fat. I'd easily put him at 10%, maybe a smidge higher.

He's definitely more cut that the average powerlifter no doubt about it with crazy ab genetics to boot.
10-12% sounds about right, the guy is packing a boat-load of lean mass.
Either way, I'd give my left nu-- wait, no can't do that, what I wouldn't give to look like that.
I gotta have a dream physique as hairy as I am.
No way a razor is touching this mane.
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Damned gorillas defying science.
I'm making progress getting some sort of diagnostic work for them at least.

He's definitely more cut that the average powerlifter no doubt about it.
10-12 sounds about right, the guy is packing a boat-load of lean mass.
Either way, I'd give my left nu-- wait, no can't do that, what I wouldn't give to look like that.
Haha, yeah. I am definitely looking forward to an MRI scan of that pituitary/brain. I'm betting there's something going on there; not that it's a serious issue as that gorilla would probably be in far worse shape if it was by now. ;)

Time + training + consistency + diet = those results. I honestly used to look very similar to him; he does have bigger traps than I did when I was at a lower body fat, but it's doable. :)
Haha, yeah. I am definitely looking forward to an MRI scan of that pituitary/brain. I'm betting there's something going on there; not that it's a serious issue as that gorilla would probably be in far worse shape if it was by now. ;)

Finding the gorilla sized MRI machine was difficult but I did it and have authorization to use it now.
It's just a scheduling thing holding up the answers.

Time + training + consistency + diet = those results. I honestly used to look very similar to him; he does have bigger traps than I did when I was at a lower body fat, but it's doable. :)

So you're saying he's natty? ;)
Natty inspiration.

I should have a pretty good shot looking like him since I'm a bug guy as it is.
Lean mass is coming along, not as well as I'd like but I'll get there.
I figure in another 5 years or so I might start to look like that.
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Half, you've probably heard of it before, the Rasberry Pi micro-pc?

I'm going to be getting one next week here at work that I get to play around with.
Finding the gorilla sized MRI machine was difficult but I did it and have authorization to use it now.
It's just a scheduling thing holding up the answers.

So you're saying he's natty? ;)
Natty inspiration.
NICE. I honestly hate MRI's as I get stuck in them. :( Not a fun experience having the table slide your head in, and get stuck on your chest. Only to have the techs yanking on your feet to pull you back out so they can try again by removing all the padding from the table and the machine.

Okay, I thought about adding drugs there, but figured that went without saying. :p I was natty when I had a similar physique, but I had the benefits of being young and full of natty testosterone. ;)
Half, you've probably heard of it before, the Rasberry Pi micro-pc?

I'm going to be getting one next week here at work that I get to play around with.

I WANT ONE! Just to goof around on and explore the possibilities! It's an amazing little piece of tech that they're even working on improving to be able to have even greater add-on functionality! I remember seeing ethernet cards and USB ports as well as an HDMI output being available. I think a differential amplifier and ALU that could operate simultaneously with the bus would be AMAZING for solving problems. :D
NICE. I honestly hate MRI's as I get stuck in them. :( Not a fun experience having the table slide your head in, and get stuck on your chest. Only to have the techs yanking on your feet to pull you back out so they can try again by removing all the padding from the table and the machine.

Okay, I thought about adding drugs there, but figured that went without saying. :p I was natty when I had a similar physique, but I had the benefits of being young and full of natty testosterone. ;)

That was always my problem with MRI's also, shoulders are just too damned wide.
I've never gotten stuck before though. That must have been embarrassing lol.
I've read that larger patients have to use MRI's designed for animals:
Too Fat To Scan! Kicked Off Hospital Imaging... | Gather
I don't know how much of it is true but I have to imagine it's a real blow to your self esteem to share an MRI machine with Shamu.

I was just razzin you on the natty thing, I know he's very much enhanced.
I WANT ONE! Just to goof around on and explore the possibilities! It's an amazing little piece of tech that they're even working on improving to be able to have even greater add-on functionality! I remember seeing ethernet cards and USB ports as well as an HDMI output being available. I think a differential amplifier and ALU that could operate simultaneously with the bus would be AMAZING for solving problems. :D

I was amped when the bossman said go ahead and get it.
Heck, it's less than $70 /w free shipping for everything:
Rasberry Pi B machine /w
Built in Ethernet
2 USB ports
512mb internal memory
HDMI out built in
8gb memory card with 6 linux distro's on it
HDMI cable
Dmitry Klokov...Russian Oly lifter and my physique aspirations but more importantly strength aspirations. YouTube some of his training videos, the guy is an animal. No other way of putting it

There's just something about that brick shit-house build that's appealing.