I like turtles.
HAH! Touche sir. That stuff just gives me the willies as I had to do a report on it for one of my intro to engineering classes, and the proposed problem was DNP concentrations in Alaska causing all sorts of problems not only for the animals, but for the folks that worked there around the stuff. It's got some really nasty side effects we don't tend to read about as most folks don't run very long cycles at high doses. I'd stick with T3/Albuterol or Clen and clean up the diet personally.Well, I DO willfully eat fast food more than I should...
Yeah, I think we agree on it - just come from different sides of the fence as I used to work for an employer that would tend to sweep injuries caused by poor design/maintenance under the rug. I witnessed a guy take a 6' beam to the face as they were stacking bins full of all sorts of crap way beyond a safe height given their construction. He lived, but he's not all there anymore as it caused a brain hemorrhage and crushed part of his skull. What did he get? Two weeks off, paid - and they paid for his hospital bills CASH to keep it off the books. If OSHA had been there, he may never have been hurt or at the very least those bastards would be less apt to cover stuff like that up.I was in shipping for 5! coincidental.
I was going to disagree with you about our views on OSHA but I think we're actually on a similar page.
My thoughts on OSHA summed up is that it started off with good intentions but when they saw how easy it was to essentially extort cash out of the industrial sector, became profit driven instead of safety driven.
For the record, hazard communication is a good thing.
Is it a pain in the ass and do they have a potential to abuse their power? Sure, but I'd hate to think what it would be like without some sort of oversight. I do feel that everything done today is far too monetarily driven though. Layoffs so the CEO can keep his six-figure bonus? Fining someone because of a technicality to keep numbers up? I see them as both greed incarnate.
Anyhoo, off to class!