doctor patient confidentiality

I am using a clinic. kinda pricey but for what its worth , feel better and look better....worth every penny
In addition to what others have said about insurance company issues, etc., remember that with all this federal regulation and oversight we probably don't know all information that we are required to report. I work with EMR systems, and there are all kinds of reports that we are required to send. I'm not sure everything that's included in them. However, you may have noticed in the last few years you are always asked if you smoke, have ever smoke, how often you drink/if you drink, and often times on questionnaire's there are questions about your mental and emotional well being. I guarantee as the gun control crowd tries to restrict more, and more if you report that you have had feelings of depression, or mental/emotional instability this will be used against you and preclude from owning firearms if the gun control crowd has their way.

So, be very careful in general what you share with your clinical staff. Pretty much EVERYTHING you tell them goes into your Electronic Medical Record where it will live forever.
In addition to what others have said about insurance company issues, etc., remember that with all this federal regulation and oversight we probably don't know all information that we are required to report. I work with EMR systems, and there are all kinds of reports that we are required to send. I'm not sure everything that's included in them. However, you may have noticed in the last few years you are always asked if you smoke, have ever smoke, how often you drink/if you drink, and often times on questionnaire's there are questions about your mental and emotional well being. I guarantee as the gun control crowd tries to restrict more, and more if you report that you have had feelings of depression, or mental/emotional instability this will be used against you and preclude from owning firearms if the gun control crowd has their way.

So, be very careful in general what you share with your clinical staff. Pretty much EVERYTHING you tell them goes into your Electronic Medical Record where it will live forever.

Wow, you are right! I been having sinus issues and been to 3 dr and I have another new dr I see next week and those questions are on the paperwork. I can see the smoking question being there cause smoking can be the reason your sick but the mental health questions are very revealing of where the medical industry is headed. I noticed it when I saw it but I just chalked it up to them wanting to put everyone on anti depressants. I mean they push those things like crack!

Well lets put it this way, either you are correct or I am correct but the take away message is .... do not offer any info that is not directly needed with what ever your actually seeing the Dr for.
With my sinuses I did tell them that I did smoke over 20 years ago. I felt it was pertinent. But when I was screened for life insurance I told em I never smoked. But now its on my record that I did smoke and may come back to haunt me. And really it didnt matter to the Dr that I smoked 20 yrs ago anyway. But there I was in an allergist office and being asked on the forms if I feel anxieties and depressed and what not... why does the allergist need that info? They dont! So that info must go to someone else.....
They won't call the police on you, but they can put drug abuse in their notes. These notes are then uploaded to your insurance company, which can cause all sorts of fun for you later on with higher premiums or even possibly intervention. There's no reason to see a doctor unless it's serious imho; that's why we have private online blood tests which are ANONYMOUS. (Assuming you're in the US)

Not so in Canada. police would need a real good reason to get a warrant, which I can't even imagine what reason they could find.