Doctor Wants To See How High My T Levels Are Going


Doing the TRT thing
I know a lot of guys are getting bloodwork done the day before their T injection to see the low point of their Testosterone numbers...

But my doctor wants me to get bloodwork 24 hours after my last T injection to get the "high point" of my Testosterone numbers and see how high my testosterone levels are going...

My question is: Is that 24 hour mark accurate for getting the high point of my testosterone levels? Because I've also read from other sources that 48 hours after injection is when the peak concentration occurs.

Additional info: I'm currently injecting 50mg Test Cyp every 4 days. Last time I got bloodwork, I got it the day of my T injection, before I did the injection - just to get the very low point of my T numbers.

The Total Testosterone results came back at 775 ng/dL at the low point.
Yup, 48 hours post-injection will provide a peak value for testosterone. 24 will still give him a good idea, but going another day would provide a better picture for him.

In case your estradiol or testosterone come back too high, I would suggest injecting E3.5D before messing with your dose. You have a good trough level imo, so if you feel great - I'd try to keep it there.

My .02c :)
Yup, 48 hours post-injection will provide a peak value for testosterone. 24 will still give him a good idea, but going another day would provide a better picture for him.

In case your estradiol or testosterone come back too high, I would suggest injecting E3.5D before messing with your dose. You have a good trough level imo, so if you feel great - I'd try to keep it there.

My .02c :)

Thanks, yeah that's what I was thinking, my trough numbers are decent.

So my main concern is that I don't want him to lower my dose if my peak numbers come back too high. I'd rather base my protocol around how LOW my numbers get, but it seems like he's trying to base the protocol around how HIGH my numbers get...

So for instance if my peak T numbers end up coming back at 1,200 and he thinks it's too high and lowers my dose, then my trough T numbers could end up dipping below 600.

...Which would be BS. If I'm on TRT and going through the trouble of injecting myself every 4 days, I want my T levels to be on the high end of normal at all times.

However, the way to prevent my numbers from coming back too high is obvious, so I'm going to do what I have to do to make sure my numbers don't come back too high for this bloodwork. That's why I wanted to see for sure when the numbers peak.

Thanks for the help.
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That stuff peaks at 48 hours. ..
r u sure this guy knows what he is doing?
if he's anti TRT......
you know what to do on that lab work!