Documenting my first cycle - Dbol & test e


New member
[Any advice or criticism will be highly appreciated]

Okay so ive just started my cycle.....
started having 20 mg dbol ed from sundays 12th of june 2011

14th june Tuesday - had my first pin.....300mg of Test Enanthate (in my delt....)

plan is to take it easy and maybe up the dose in a week or two if i feel like my body is responding well to the excess fluid......

Have nolvadex, clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hand....still not sure about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) though.....i only have 5000 iu and ill be going abroad in couple of weeks tym and im not sure if i should keep it for the last ten days of my cycle...???


i am 22

Thank u all!