Does anyone eat Curd before sleep?


New member
Does anyone eat Curd before sleep? I havent seen anybody in this forum eating that. Why is that? Curd has lots of proteins and i heard it is good meal before bed, isn`t it?

By the way, why so many people eat yogurt before sleep? It has more carbs then protein per 100grams and as i know carbs turn into fat when you sleep, dont they?
Yougurt, such as GREEK YOGURT is loaded with slow absorbing milk proteins. And they offer sugar free or at least lower sugar. I wouldn't worry about the sugars, a small.amount before bed wont mess things up that much. Georeg farah aka the pro Creator, a famous bodybuilding trainer and nutrionist suggests that a little sugar before bed gives u a better nights sleep. Don't remember why tho. But i trust him!
Is it allright to eat other kind of yogurts before bed? Even though they have more carbs than protein per 100grams?
i eat either cottage cheese, greek yogurt, or a big cup of homemade kefir. none which have alot of carbs or if they do , the amount is small that it really wouldnt make a difference. but i will try some curd sometime
Does anyone eat Curd before sleep? I havent seen anybody in this forum eating that. Why is that? Curd has lots of proteins and i heard it is good meal before bed, isn`t it?

By the way, why so many people eat yogurt before sleep? It has more carbs then protein per 100grams and as i know carbs turn into fat when you sleep, dont they?

bean curd = tofu, so i assume you mean cheese?

I have a hand full of nuts and/or a whey protein drink with 1-2 shots of olive oil in it.
Is it allright to eat other kind of yogurts before bed? Even though they have more carbs than protein per 100grams?

carbs make me sleep nice :-P

dont worry so much...
overall diet i think matters MUCH more, but have something in you pre-bed is what i rec. and avoid SIMPLE sugars/type products
Hm.. i dont know how is it called in english. It says "Curd' in dictionary. But i tend to think its the same as cottage cheese :D
Yeah curd is same thing as cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is a very popular choice pre bed time. I hate the taste and texture of it tho. If ur going tp.go the yogurt route I would get Greek yogurt it has more protein than regular yogurt. And i wpuld just get the plain flavor and add splenda to it or something
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curd is made of cow or buffallo milk usually. here in asia its a very popular desert and i love it too. but really have no idea of the nutritional breakdown. its supposed to be loaded with proteins etc. its texture and look is just like unflavoured yoghurt. tastes sour...difficult to eat plain..usually when consumed as a desert you either add honey or sugar!

if anyone can find the nutritional info on curd..please share :)
i only like breakstone cottage cheese but my grocer stopped carrying it so i tryed the store brand (tasted horrible) but then i tried store brand with pinnapple .... super good and way cheaper than my old breakstone brand. and yes i like it before bed