does anyone know about this form of steroid


New member
Umm i have a friend at work who is using human growth hormon. I studied a little into it and it sounds like it could have tones more side affects then the anabolics im doing.. Does anyone know anything about this form of steroid?..

I only know of Test QV Sust Deca Dianabol etc.. all the common ones
found studied and stupid. Thats more for balancing test levels out and shit. Idiot at work thinks hes gonna get size off it.
no man HGH is not a steroid, steroids r 4 carbon molecules that r made of lipids. HGH is a protein hormone that is made by the hypothalamus. It stimulates growth and metabolic functions.
CDbol said:
found studied and stupid. Thats more for balancing test levels out and shit. Idiot at work thinks hes gonna get size off it.

Are you serious?? :confused::rolleyes:
CDbol said:
found studied and stupid. Thats more for balancing test levels out and shit. Idiot at work thinks hes gonna get size off it.

Actually it has nothing to do with testosterone levels. Keep reading :D

I honestly dont plan on using it for a while, it is expensive and really offers little to no benefits without a gear cycle with it, and still people insist on running it for MONTHS on end making it even more expensive than an 8-12 week thing.

Unless he is trying to heal an injury, I think its probably worthless by itself. If he is spending that kind of money to try and burn some fat, he needs to send me some cash too.
Footballstar74 said:
I think it is. It has a High Anabolic effect. And if it get u that strong its a roid.

There are catabolic steroids, steroids does not = strength.

hGH is not a steroid, period.
growth hormone is good for gaining mass/str and cutting fat. all at the same time.. and it from what i have READ does a damn good job however i never tried it so dont quote me on it.
AxelRoberts said:
hgh is not a steroid however it WILL get you jacked

Stacked with steroids, by itself I could not believe it would do much in the way of actual "size" gains.
true.. i really didnt get into detail.. all i really know about it personally is it will get ya big and it has a really high rating for being able to actually keep everything you get off it as well.. and it's massivly expencive
hope this help... a quote from the journal of the american medical association reguarding HGH used as a steroid.

HGH benefits:

14.4 percent loss of fat on average after six months, without dieting.
8.8 percent increase in muscle mass on average after six months, without exercising.
Higher energy level.
Enhanced sexual performance.
Younger, tighter, thicker looking skin.
Diminished wrinkling of the skin.
Enhanced immune function.
Increased exercise performance.
Improved memory.
Sharper vision.
Improved cholesterol profile, with higher HDL and lower LDL.
Regenerates the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys.
Mood elevation.
Stronger bones.