Does arimidex not work for some?


Board Sex Offender
5th week of current cycle, and it is

test p / tren a / mast p
75mg / 50mg / 50mg ED

Had a lump under the left nipple, and a small lump under the right prior to the cycle. However they were never sensitive, just due to a bunk ai in the past on a test only cycle.

I'm running 2mgs of arimidex everyday, it's keeping the water weight off and my sex drive is very good but my left nip is pretty sensitive and has grown substantially. In my past cycles nolva has always shrunk it back down during pct. But I don't feel like 2mgs a day of arimidex is healthy even though I'm not experiencing any negative sides from it.

Question, is arimidex just not all that effective for some people? I have prami on hand but have yet to need it. Was thinking about getting some letro to shrink it down.


around 12%
3 cycles in the past consisting of test only.
Sheesh 2mg ED. That's a crazy dose in comparison to your test dose!!!!

It there a lump that is growing or are your nipples just puffy and getting puffier?

You should go get a blood test to see where your e2 is at that will tell whether or not your Adex is bunk.

I personally cant see Adex not working unless your BF is CRAZY high, which it is not by what your saying.
Your prblem may be from the tren not the test ... on other words .... if u are using arimidex ( which at 2mg is very high dose if its legit ) ... then most likely estrogen is not ur problem ... it can very well be prolactin related from the tren ... in other words ... you need an inhibitor like caber or prami .. even 1mg is a high dose ... not all people respond the same to the same meds .. however from what i understand .. legit arimidex is very strong .. and at 2mg ... thats extreme dose ... enough to crash ur estrogen .. bloods would be ideal .. but seems prolactin may be ur problem
Sheesh 2mg ED. That's a crazy dose in comparison to your test dose!!!!

It there a lump that is growing or are your nipples just puffy and getting puffier?

You should go get a blood test to see where your e2 is at that will tell whether or not your Adex is bunk.

I personally cant see Adex not working unless your BF is CRAZY high, which it is not by what your saying.

This source is known to be legit and I notice a drastic difference when on it verses off it. But you're right without bloods, there's no way of knowing for sure. The last time I got bloods my e2 was within range but they were still fucking sore. Maybe I'm just a weird case, because like I said my libido is through the roof at the moment.

The lump on my left nipple seems to differ day to day some days it seems larger and more sore and others it seems fine.

I'm dosing 1mg in the morning right before pinning and 1mg before bed. I'm pinning everyday so hormone levels should be rather stable in comparison to eod.
also dont confuse a lump from puffy nipples .. when i drink alot of water or have water retention ... my nipples get puffy alot ... but thats not gyno ... a lump is the apparent tell tale sign . sensitivety though is a different story .
Your prblem may be from the tren not the test ... on other words .... if u are using arimidex ( which at 2mg is very high dose if its legit ) ... then most likely estrogen is not ur problem ... it can very well be prolactin related from the tren ... in other words ... you need an inhibitor like caber or prami .. even 1mg is a high dose ... not all people respond the same to the same meds .. however from what i understand .. legit arimidex is very strong .. and at 2mg ... thats extreme dose ... enough to crash ur estrogen .. bloods would be ideal .. but seems prolactin may be ur problem

Just from reading doesn't elevated prolactin typically result in hard sore nipples to the touch and a lack of libido? If so that's not my problem at all. But I'm certainly not ruling that out.
also dont confuse a lump from puffy nipples .. when i drink alot of water or have water retention ... my nipples get puffy alot ... but thats not gyno ... a lump is the apparent tell tale sign . sensitivety though is a different story .

It's a sensitive lump, sometimes they're puffy but nothing to write home about I just attribute that to my diet.
This source is known to be legit and I notice a drastic difference when on it verses off it. But you're right without bloods, there's no way of knowing for sure. The last time I got bloods my e2 was within range but they were still fucking sore. Maybe I'm just a weird case, because like I said my libido is through the roof at the moment.

The lump on my left nipple seems to differ day to day some days it seems larger and more sore and others it seems fine.

I'm dosing 1mg in the morning right before pinning and 1mg before bed. I'm pinning everyday so hormone levels should be rather stable in comparison to eod.

No way you're using legit adex at 2mg a day, and not having problems. That dose will knock your estradiol into the dirt on anything less than GRAMS of test, unless you're like 65% body fat - which I doubt.

Sore nipples can mean anything really. Hell, I used to get really puffy/red/swollen/bleeding nipples... From the salt in my shirt rubbing them raw all day when I worked manual labor. If I were on cycle then, I'd have totally thought it was hormones.

60 bucks, and you know the answer.

My .02c :)
To be honest with you ive never had the issue .. Im only imagining though that if u have a lump due to the cycle and assuming your arimidex is legit ( saying you feel it working also) then that can be the only other thing i can imagine ... thats why blood work would be key . i have an actual pharma grade AI ... i feel like i notice less fatigue and higher libido / energy when i take it ... however i only take 0.5mg eod of legit arimidex .

Check this ... Per Astra Zeneca - "Serum e2 levels are reduced 70% after 24 hrs with a single 1mg administration of arimidex . After one week they are reduced 80% "
You need bloodwork!!! Something just isn't right with what you got going on there bud. Really can't answer your post without it. Just a big guessing game...
Your Adex are Tic Tacs, no way its legit. I cant even take 1mg a week of Adex on 500mg of Test.
You need bloodwork!!! Something just isn't right with what you got going on there bud. Really can't answer your post without it. Just a big guessing game...
Agreed, I knew that before creating this thread. Was just curious if anyone has had a similar problem who has had bloodwork.
Your Adex are Tic Tacs, no way its legit. I cant even take 1mg a week of Adex on 500mg of Test.

lol, I dont put anything past ugls. But in the past everything from this place has been legit.