Does RS-Transaderm Require an AI?


New member
Straightforward - if using RS-Transaderm as a test base for a PH, do you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like low dose aromasin or adex?
Yes. U can get away without it but the risk of gyno is prolly up 80%.

Transderm is going to convert and so will the ph. U need something there so there isn't much turning into estrogen.

A low dose of forma stanzol, one cap of erase, 1mg of dex a wk, 50mg of aromasin a wk will all get the job done.
Straightforward - if using RS-Transaderm as a test base for a PH, do you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like low dose aromasin or adex?

gym rats pretty much hit it on the head bro, and id recommend a low dose of forma-stanzol as well, if you need any other help regarding transaderm etc drop me a pm I can probably save you a packet as well ;)