Does T-3 and Clen work?

They most definitely work. But your diet and training need to be in check.

Do a search on this forum and you'll find all sorts of info on cycling clen/t3.
Works. However, very harsh on body, so don't cycle either for too long. Actually Purchase has a combo- lemme know if you do that... just curious.

Albuterol vs Clen---- highly suggest reading up on comparisons before you buy.

Yes I heard that clen is very tough on the body. Maybe I'll tell the wife to try albuterol and T3. I saw they have a T4 now. Would that be better? What results has anyone had on these drugs?????
if she takes clen then have her start out at a very low dose. most start at 40mcg but maybe star her at 20mcg. i start at 60-80 and will work my way up to 120-140mcg. i decided not to take it any more tho cause it really hurts my cardio and gives me muscle cramps when lifting sometimes... even with taurine and potassium to combat the cramping.
t3 is super catabolic for me....and I hate the way clen makes me feel...but YES they work really well. Not for people with high BF first then drugs...not the other way around.
T3 and albuterol

If clen is tough on cardio and sides then maybe T3 and albuterol? Her diet is good just needs to loose some belly fat from having a kid.
T4 is less catabolic simply because it's weaker.
IMO screw both T3 and 4. Not only do they eat muscle, they can screw up your thyroid (not permanently from what I've read) if not used correctly and cause a bad rebound.
Clen is great once you adjust to the sides, it's actually very enjoyable for many. (I actually use to hate it but love it now)
Albuterol is also good, really no sides to it at all that I've experienced. It's the weakest of the three, but appears to be the safest.
If you can ever get her to take a shot, look at HCG. That shit literally melts fat off women with zero sides. In reality, you should just buy some and insulin needles, then "force" her to take a shot. Once she realizes how frickin easy and completely pain-free it is, she won't mind at all.
My neighbor was all freaked out about shots until I went over there, pulled my shirt up, and gave myself an Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot in front of her. Seconds later, she gave herself one and was like "that's all there is to it?".You don't feel a thing.

Sounds good ironmonger. I'll start her out on allpurinal and work her into Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shots if I can. I just have to get more data on how that works for women.
Used 200mcg of Clen for 3 weeks. I shook like a leaf the whole time and lost zero pounds. Diet was low carb (2000 calories a day). I lifted hard 4 days a week.
Sounds good ironmonger. I'll start her out on allpurinal and work her into Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shots if I can. I just have to get more data on how that works for women.

Sounds good. If she can eat a decent diet, and is willing to work out, she'll lose fat with albuterol. If she can cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, she'll amplify her results.
As for HCG, don't waste your money on any of the oral Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) products out there. Because of how popular the drug has become, there's all kinds of shitty products out there that promise their as good as the real thing - they're not.
Get the real Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (injectible) or don't get any.
T3 is very catabolic and i would not use much (25mcg ed , 50mcg MAX but only for couple weeks at that dose) and NOT unless on some kind of steroid. Clen i hate so i wont go there.
T4 is less catabolic simply because it's weaker.
IMO screw both T3 and 4. Not only do they eat muscle, they can screw up your thyroid (not permanently from what I've read) if not used correctly and cause a bad rebound.
Clen is great once you adjust to the sides, it's actually very enjoyable for many. (I actually use to hate it but love it now)
Albuterol is also good, really no sides to it at all that I've experienced. It's the weakest of the three, but appears to be the safest.

AGreed Iron. I've gotta say though, working in the psychiatry field, and being pro-steroids I spent a lot of off the books time when I was getting my degree studying steroids and braind effects. Clen MAY, depending on the person's brain layout have VERY BAD sides. Actually, kind of like an OD of Test when people get overly aggressive and it's not their normal dispotion. However, with clen, it can actually develope personality features that are undersirable and not easily ridden. It won't do it to everyone, but if there is any underlying anxiety, a psychochiasmatic weakness or even family history of psychiatric issues, I would STRONGLY advise against it. It works very well, no doubt, but there are equal options that offer less sides and if you're not sure, which most people aren't, if they are prone in any way to psychiatric break then I would avoid. You don't have to display features now of any pscych problems for them to be dormant and readily triggered. Does that makes sense? I just don't want to see that happen to anyone.

I do meet with several bodybuilders, who give me their stack and I will agree with a lot of them. Other times though, because a particular patient may be depression prone, have an anxiety disorder or even paranoid features I have to aim them towards friendlier stacks. These chemicals we put into our body interact with us to yield results, but often times we only think or the results we want, not the possibilities or symptoms. I just want to educate people to inform themselves and the do the research into the chemical and inward to themselves.:beertoast
AGreed Iron. I've gotta say though, working in the psychiatry field, and being pro-steroids I spent a lot of off the books time when I was getting my degree studying steroids and braind effects. Clen MAY, depending on the person's brain layout have VERY BAD sides. Actually, kind of like an OD of Test when people get overly aggressive and it's not their normal dispotion. However, with clen, it can actually develope personality features that are undersirable and not easily ridden. It won't do it to everyone, but if there is any underlying anxiety, a psychochiasmatic weakness or even family history of psychiatric issues, I would STRONGLY advise against it. It works very well, no doubt, but there are equal options that offer less sides and if you're not sure, which most people aren't, if they are prone in any way to psychiatric break then I would avoid. You don't have to display features now of any pscych problems for them to be dormant and readily triggered. Does that makes sense? I just don't want to see that happen to anyone.

I do meet with several bodybuilders, who give me their stack and I will agree with a lot of them. Other times though, because a particular patient may be depression prone, have an anxiety disorder or even paranoid features I have to aim them towards friendlier stacks. These chemicals we put into our body interact with us to yield results, but often times we only think or the results we want, not the possibilities or symptoms. I just want to educate people to inform themselves and the do the research into the chemical and inward to themselves.:beertoast

Excellent information. I had not heard of this, but trust it to be the truth considering your line of work. Thanks for the update.

Also, not to hijack the thread, but what are some of the other worst offenders?
My guess for top 2 would be:

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great discussion here. also to the Op if your planning on a T3 and clen cycle your going to want to check out T3-PCT by Need to Build Muscle your want to run this after your cycle to help restore,regulate and jumpstart your thyroid hormone a link to read up on it.I would def recommend picking this up your body will thank you.
