Does this bother/piss you off?


I am banned!
When pro or semi pro or famous body builders claim to be natural?

To me personally it does piss me off. I understand that you should keep it low key because the "average" person still believes that roids get you jacked up and shredded without having to lift weights or diet, so yes fine do not openly say that you juice.

But to take it a step farther and claim to be natural? Like why? Guys like us KNOW DAMN WELL that they are lying their ass off!

There is a LOT of people who claim to be natural but here is one group of famous and sponsored lifters that all claim to be natural:

If you guys dont know those guys, they are very fomous in the lifting world. There are not Mr Olympia by any means, but there have a SHIT load of sponsors from supplement companies to clothing and underwear

Here is the Crew:
Chris is his personal youtube page description:
Team 3DMJ Natural Competitive Bodybuilder Chris Lavado... always striving to be the best I can be and share all knowledge along the way. Balancing bodybuilding with life enjoyment :)

Alon is what his website says:
My name is Alon Gabbay and in addition to being a fitness model and a natural bodybuilder, I'm an artist, musician, photographer and photo editor, video editor, and web and graphic designer.

Lex is what his article with says
Rising Star: Natural Bodybuilder & Fitness Model Lex Griffin Talks With

Matt is what his facebook page says
Matt Ogus Natural Bodybuilder. 58726 likes

Jeff is what his instagram page says
Jeff Seid the natural bodybuilder

I dont go bragging about doing roids but at the same time I dont feed people this crap and say I am all natural
You answered the reason why they do this in your post. The shit load of sponsors and supplement companies. A lot of sponsors won't want touch a guy openly admitting his use.
Wellllllllllllll, technically testosterone is a natural bio-identical hormone. :D

Even if it is made from Mexican Yams or Soy Oil and put into a vial/ampule. :spin:

But no, it doesn't piss me off because I understand it's all about the moooolah. ;) It DOES piss me off that there are laws and a stigma regarding AAS that really isn't necessary; but that's a different thread altogether. :wiggle:
Chris lavado and matt ogus don't even look like they juice.. 5'2 manlets weighing like a buck50...I hope they aren't juicong with those stats..
Now I don't know if those guys are natural or not, but I do know that 3DMJ it's mostly guys who compete in natural bodybuilding shows. Some of those shows have the same drug testing as the Olympics. Now that isn't saying that those guys are natural, but they at least have to come off cycle long enough to pass the tests. I think it is much harder to compete in bodybuilding that way.
Now I don't know if those guys are natural or not, but I do know that 3DMJ it's mostly guys who compete in natural bodybuilding shows. Some of those shows have the same drug testing as the Olympics. Now that isn't saying that those guys are natural, but they at least have to come off cycle long enough to pass the tests. I think it is much harder to compete in bodybuilding that way.

All you have to do is play the half life game. Switch from test e to prop 4 months out, prop to suspension 5 weeks out, drop the suspension a week out, and drop the Hgh the day before.
Might be unrelated but how do y'all feel about competing in tested federations and just beating the test? Or people who do.
Those guys are what 95% of all gym going males within the ages of 14-24 want to look like. I still don't know why.
Might be unrelated but how do y'all feel about competing in tested federations and just beating the test? Or people who do.

You simply compete in a tested federation and therefore have to be able to pass a drug test. I don't know about others, but I tell random people everyday in the gym that I am natural. What's one more time with it written down on a paper? It's still lying. If you know how to modif your stack to pass the est, is fair game in my book
You simply compete in a tested federation and therefore have to be able to pass a drug test. I don't know about others, but I tell random people everyday in the gym that I am natural. What's one more time with it written down on a paper? It's still lying. If you know how to modif your stack to pass the est, is fair game in my book

Fair enough, ever run into problems with deca or eq. Or anything with long detection life... Or is their "testing" not that thorough.
I've read a few articles ... Wish I could find them now. I believed one was a Russian protocol on when to stop and start compounds... Similar to what you had stated just more in depth. Found it very interesting.
I've always figured I'd just go to a non tested and leave it at that. Granted my next meet will be in a tested fed... Shhh
I cant blame them..... I wish they could say the juiced it to the max but. Realistically than they wouldn't be getting paid and laid!
I kinda like it actually. People like them make the regular joe think that kind of body can be achieved naturally. That in turn lets me claim natty too :D
Chris lavado and matt ogus don't even look like they juice.. 5'2 manlets weighing like a buck50...I hope they aren't juicong with those stats..

Not everyone juices for size though. AAS brings a different look to your physique that isn't attainable naturally, look at all the guys juicing in men's physique. Stick either of them next to someone like Nick Wright, who is also on youtube, or Nick Paniagua (sorry those are the only two guys I know of that look natty) and tell me lavado and ogus aren't on something.
Personally, I think you just have to laugh it off. People should be smart about who they admit it to, especially when their profession is on the line. Most of us can probably eye somebody up and tell, but I don't ever expect them admit it. And I agree that BSN or whoever would hate to have their Goldenboy, who ever it may be, admit that it was AAS and not NO-Xplode that got him where he is. The people that are naive deserve to be so and the rest of us can laugh it off when we here the "I'm 100% natural" talk and know it to be BS. Just my two cents.
^ Exactly.

The only way it would piss me off is if I was legitimately natural and competing in a natty fed, and got beat by someone juicing. Otherwise who gives a fuck what anyone else dose? If it's not having any effect on you but you're pissed about it, then you're more than likely jealous.
With the way politicians, big corporations, the media etc. manipulate us, lie to us and rob us blind, there are bigger things in this world to worry about than who claims this or that.